Don describes how he had a heart attack, which was followed by recommendations for heart surgery (bypass). He lost 60 pounds, lowered his blood pressure and cholesterol, cured his heart disease, and regained his lost health by a simple change to the McDougall Diet. Visit Video Rating: 4 / 5
Supplements For Hypertension
One of the Most dangerous health conditions today is hypertension. What makes hypertension so dangerous? Hypertension is a disease that millions of Americans suffer from without any symptoms. Due to its lack of warning signs it is often called the silent killer. Chronic high blood pressure triples your risk of all the major cardiovascular diseases, […]
Drug Use and Your Blood Pressure
There is a lot of conflicting information regarding how things that we do in life will affect our body and mind. Our brains can get confused and give the wrong commands to the body. Drug use is one of these things. Using drugs is going to be important depending on the amount and how often […]
A List Of Nutritional Benefits That You Can Get From Eating Cayenne Pepper
There is a spice on your spice rack that might be important in strengthening your heart and your circulatory system. That spice is cayenne pepper. It can actually help a person get over a ton of health issues, more than you’d expect. Capsicum comes from red hot chili peppers, which luckily for everyone, can be […]
Blood pressure and cholesterol levels along with age and family history can help physicians predict a healthy persons lower or higher risk for developing heart disease. For those in between the low and high risk groups, these tests alone may not be enough. A new study shows adding an x-ray test detecting calcium levels in […]
Yog Shakti – Intercostals Breathing technique
Yog Shakti – Pranayam – Prevention of Hypertension – Mind Body Soul. Yogacharya Shelly Khera teaches Utthita Parsvakonasana and Pranayam through lungs, also known as Intercostals Breathing technique, which is good for shoulder and neck problems as well as constipation. This breathing technique is beneficial for asthma and TB patients as it keeps the lungs […]
High Blood Pressure Alternative – Cure it Naturally?
Fact! You do not have to rely on medication but you can cure hypertension with a high blood pressure alternative! And believe me, there are thousands of people who are doing this each week. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies are doing everything they can to keep you as their life-long customers and are partnering with hospitals and […]
5 Fastest Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Lowering your blood pressure naturally is the preferred method endorsed by the American Heart Association. In fact they say that medication is only useful when diet and exercise fail. So why do doctors immediately put you on high blood pressure medication even if you are pre-hypertensive? The answer may be as simple as that’s the […]
Is Nitric Oxide a Fat Burner?
Many people, including me, have been talking about the benefits of Nitric Oxide in fitness and weight loss. But is it right to say that it will burn fat? Or is it right to say N.O. is a fat burner? It is true in a way, but the real question is… How does Nitric Oxide […]
Do Supplements and Vitamins For Women’s Hair Loss Cause More Hair Loss?
Flabby arms, wrinkles and age spots are just a few worries, women also think about there hair thinning or losing it completely. Your hair defines your personal style, so who wants to go bald and lose that? Hair loss has been affecting about 40% of women. A womens self esteem can suffer greatly from this […]
FusionExcel Grace Chong testimonial (Hypertension)
FusionExcel Grace Chong sharing her testimonial how FusionExcel QP has relieved her of her problems with hypertension (high blood pressure). Video Rating: 0 / 5
Kevin Trudeau – Tap Water, Viagra, Water Filtration
Kevin Trudeau Show – 12-9-09 – Part 2 of 12 Topics: Tap Water, Arsenic, Poison, Cancer, Viagra, Water Filtration Listeners have compared Kevin Trudeau’s radio show to the best parts of Michael Savage, Howard Stern, Art Bell, John Tesh and Rush Limbaugh. Kevin Trudeau is one of the most read authors of all time. His […]
Hypertension – Six Things Women Need to Do to Reduce Their Risk
If you’re a woman with high blood pressure, then a recent Harvard study on hypertension in women should be of interest to you. Up until now, research on hypertension has been mainly on how it affects men. Over 83,000 women were followed over 14 years to see what behaviors increased or decreased the possibility of […]