Dear fellow American Youtubers, Im exposing this case so that eventually we all together can try to make some changes which on the long run will advantage our health, and economical freedom. Eventually in this channel I will also post the experience of other people who had troubles with the health system, or which believe, […]
CoQ10 – A Supplement Everyone Over the Age of 40 Should Take
CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10, is a vital antioxidant found in every cell of our bodies. It is also known as ubiquinone. It was not discovered until 1957, and was not available inexpensively until the last decade. Low CoQ10 levels are associated with many illnesses and medical conditions. Taking CoQ10 helps with coronary heart problems, many […]
Natural Blood Pressure Reducers – Are There Any?
Often when people are diagnosed with high blood pressure there is a reluctance to just start taking medication and many look to use natural blood pressure reducers. The problem is that generally they are just not aware of what may be available to them. Many hope for the “magic pill” type herbal or homeopathic remedy […]
Jadakiss – Top 5 Dead Or Alive ( Best Verses )
Nine Tracks with some of jadas best bars not many rappers out that have a rhyme catalouge like this D-Block all fuckin day 1.john blaze 2.ryde or die war 3 4.who did you expect 5.blackout 6.ten hut 7.go head 8.breath easy 9.blood pressure Video Rating: 4 / 5
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
This is the scary part. There actually are not any real obvious symptoms of high blood pressure that people can easily notice. That is precisely why it is called “the silent killer.” High blood pressure can sneak up on you, and you might never know you have it until you have a heart attack, heart […]
Blood pressure regulation (part 2/2)
Blood pressure regulation
Seven Essential Nutrients For Aging Adults
As a person ages, the body is more dependent upon nutrients form external sources to maintain optimal health. So, eating the right foods and adding nutritional supplements can help ensure the body’s needs are met. According to the American Dietetic Association, the body of an older person requires fewer calories since it uses energy at […]
Why Minerals Are So Important to Your Health
Minerals are an essential part of life, and are just as important to a human as breathing. Minerals and trace minerals play a major role in our everyday lives and internal bodily functions. A perfect example of this is the role that minerals play in the absorption of vitamins. Everyone knows that vitamins are essential […]
Sore Throat Remedy
The best way to cure a real sore throat in adults is using a gargle. Children are not able to gargle, so a throat compress or a homeopathic medicine is a better sore throat remedy for them. If you do not see improvement from home remedies overnight, please visit your doctor, especially if you suspect […]
High Blood Pressure: Initial Investigations
You may wonder why your high blood pressure was not diagnosed until you had to have a medical for your new insurance policy. This is probably because you had not had your blood pressure measured for some years. Like you, many people with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all. The only way to […]
Hospital Dentistry Using General Anesthesia
This tape demonstrates procedures for performing dental work on a completely uncooperative, mentally retarded patient, using general anesthesia, in a hospital. Orig. air date: DEC 21 79
Vitamins For Skin Tightening – How Your Skin Responds to Nourishment From The Inside and Out
Vitamins for skin tightening are important, both in skin care products and supplements. Here is a guide to vitamins, herbals and other nutrients that repair skin damage, rebuild collagen, and add firmness and moisture to your skin. Some specific skin vitamins to know about: — Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protecting the skin from the […]
Dr. Elliott Press Briefing on RESPERATE
resperate medical device lower blood pressure Video Rating: 5 / 5