Interesting Facts About the Hawthorn Tree

While it may be hard to believe that a tree can be a member of the rose family, the Hawthorn tree is exactly that. Considered invaluable as a hedgerow, this tree also has many culinary and medicinal properties. Several varieties of the Hawthorn tree have developed over the years, but the original Hawthorn was historically […]

Top 3 Heart Healthy Minerals to Lower Blood Pressure

1. Reduce your SODIUM intake. Too much sodium in your diet can contribute to hypertension and make your blood pressure treatment less effective. Simply reducing your sodium intake to 2.3 grams (6 g table salt) daily can decrease your blood pressure. The average American consumes 6-18 grams of table salt daily (about 3 teaspoons). The […]

Nitric Oxide – The Key to a Rock Hard Erection Make Sure Your Getting Enough!

Nitric oxide is the chemical you need to get an erection, yet many men don’t even know what it is. Here we will look at its importance and how you can boost it for a stronger harder erection… It’s a fact if you don’t get enough nitric oxide you simply won’t get an erection let […]

Prostate Cancer & Endothelin: PMAP Endothelin-converting enzyme-1 is involved in the proteolytic processing of endothelin-1 (EDN1; MIM 131240), -2 (EDN2; MIM 131241), and -3 (EDN3; MIM 131242) to biologically active peptides. http Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It occurs when cells of the prostate mutate […]

Motality with Pulmonary Hypertension and Diseases of … – Activated Air is a proven technology used by professional and individuals who want to enhance performance, promote healthy aging or restore health. Eng3’s approach is to trigger the body’s natural response to oxidative stress and improve cellular activities like cell metabolism and the uptake of oxygen. Your body’s cells through the course of […]