Make Sure That You Buy Dried Dog Food That Contains Essential Nutrients

There is a barrage of choices in the market when it comes to buying dried dog food. Dry food is very convenient and it will provide your dog with healthy, balanced nutrition. Furthermore, because it has to be chewed, it is good for teeth and gums, as opposed to canned or wet foods. Always read […]

Vitamins That Boost Your Metabolism – Two Very Important Ones

When we follow a weight loss program we want to make use of all that is available to us to boost our metabolism such as proper foods and exercise to help speed our weight loss effort. Did you know that there are also vitamins that boost your metabolism? If you did not, then please add […]

Baba Ramdev -Yoga Science, Pranayam & Yoga Asanas

In this video on Pranayama and Yoga exercises Baba Ramdev expounds on the benefits of Bahya, Anulom – Vilom, Bhramri, Udgeeth and Ujjayee. This video contains Yoga asanas for getting rid of all ailments including obesity (overweight), spondilytis, high blood pressure, arthritis and chronic stomach ailment. Click to watch more Baba Ramdev Videos.

Alternative to Medication For Hypertension

When speaking about alternatives to medication for hypertension I am referring to treating the disease with natural cures instead of pharmaceutical drugs. Natural cures does not only mean herbs but also includes life style changes such as diet and exercise. Continue reading this article to learn about alternative treatments for hypertension. Losing weight is effective […]

Nitric Oxide and Building Your Muscle Fast

Nitric Oxide supplements are probably the most popular supplements on the fitness market today. Walk into any health food store that caters to bodybuilders, and you’ll see names of products such as NO2, Nitrix, NOxplode, SuperPump 250, NOX, TracNO and many others. I’m a strong supporter in nitric oxide products to build muscle and there’s […]

5 Herbal Remedies For Controlling Blood Pressure

There are various course of actions that people adopt in order to treat their blood pressure abnormality. Wide spread blood pressure medications are available as easiest mode of blood pressure treatment. But the treatment with the help of medication often results in certain side effects that may turn out as dangerous as blood pressure abnormality […]