Omega 3 fish oil for gout has been proven to be extremely effective, but it is essential you take the right type of oils. Find out how they can help and discover the best source to significantly reduce the symptoms of this debilitating condition. The reason why the right omega 3 fish oil for gout […]
Diabetes, Obesity, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol Are a Family – The Terrible Foursome
Diabetes is a metabolic problem. The explanation is this, it is an action of converting food that we eat and changing that into energy. It also relates to the storage and distribution of that energy throughout the body. How well this storage and distribution system works with your body determines how well your body works. […]
Evening Primrose Flower For Blood Pressure
Evening primrose oil (EPO) is derived from the the plant Oenothera biennis. It has been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years and more recently, it has been put to use to help people lower their blood pressure. It contains an omega-6 essential fatty acid, gamma-linoleic acid (GLA). In fact, it is one of […]
Vitamins in Food VS Supplements
This article examines the pros and cons of vitamins as a food source, and vitamins as a supplement source. To make it more interesting, I have wrote it in the scenario of a boxing match. OK, let’s get this fight underway! In the blue corner, we have the fruits and veggies representing the vitamins in […]
Health Food Supplement Stores – 5 Tips When Purchasing
A health food supplement store is a store that sells health foods, organic foods, nutritional supplements and dietary products. It facilitates diabetics and vegetarians, those who suffer from allergies and those on a raw food diet. Truly such stores actually cater for almost everybody, especially those interested in having a healthy body and a healthy […]
Enlarged Prostate Health Supplements: Do Yours Have This "Magic" Ingredient?
You can’t swing a bat anymore without hitting yet another round of enlarged prostate health supplements online or offline. But, I have noticed some of them are missing a key nutrient. One that, if you don’t get enough of it, you will likely never have optimal prostate health. Which nutrient is that? Zinc. Zinc is […]
The silent killer A03 hlth202
A music video about hypertension and normal blood pressure. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Eating Celery for High Blood Pressure Relief
There are a number of traditional supplements and foods that impact on the blood pressure in the body. This article considers eating celery for high blood pressure reduction, and how someone looking to reduce their blood pressure can use this food. Followers of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) will already know that celery has been used […]
Hypertension Diet – Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
There are many things that you can do to maintain your blood pressure naturally. Becoming more active is one thing that can benefit you in many ways including relieving hypertension. Diet, however, is the easiest and most effective way to begin to control your condition safely and quickly. Simple changes can make a big difference […]
Natural Health Remedies for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If asked, “What is the most common health problem that is growing at the alarming rate?”, one out of four people will probably answer—“High Blood Pressure or Hypertension”. Most physicians usually recommend pharmaceutical medication for hypertension. But, more and more, the beneficial role of natural health remedies for high blood pressure is recognized by many […]
Improve Brain Health – Try Omega 3 Oils
The tried and true supplement to improve brain health has been cod liver oil – a traditional natural remedy. Not only is it abundant for omega 3 oils, but it also has a healthy dose of vitamin D, a powerful health booster. The vitamin D deficiency related conditions range from cancer to bone loss. With […]
Book Review – Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More
This is a beautifully designed Tbook on gems and stones with some of the richest color photographs of gems and stones I’ve ever seen. Many of the discourses that Edgar Cayce gave on the use and benefits of gems and stones are included in this reader-friendly yet scientific and historic collection of information. Each stone […]
Did You Know That Omega 3 Oils Are Essential Nutrients?
The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity. Researchers in Denmark in the 1970’s found that the Inuit people in Greenland, showed a much lower rate of cardiovascular problems than the […]