Unfortunately, in a lot of cases high blood pressure and hypertension is often undetectable until without a visit to the doctor (perhaps this is why they call it the ‘silent killer’). However, there are certain symptoms that many hypertension sufferers say they have experienced. Nose – People with hypertension problems often have nose bleeds and […]
How to Measure Your Own Blood Pressure Accurately
When measuring your own blood pressure, first get yourself comfortable with your measurement arm supported by a table. Make sure that the sphygmomanometer is placed so that you can see the scale easily and put your stethoscope around your neck. The most convenient kind of stethoscope to use has a diaphragm at the end, not […]
The Truth About Uncontrolled Hypertension
Uncontrolled hypertension is a situation whereby high blood pressure of the body is left untreated or uncontrolled (140/90 mm Hg or above). Researches have shown that more than 75 percent of patients with hypertension in the United States of America do not take the necessary steps to control their blood pressure. Hypertension if not controlled […]
Discover the Link Between CoQ10 and Blood Pressure to Lead a Healthy Life
There are various reasons for blood pressure. However, the remedy is very simple. Pay attention to your food habit. It is easier said than done but not impossible. Coolness under the shade of a tree can only be realized by a guy who toiled all day long under the sun. In the same way, the […]
Massage Techniques : Massage Techniques: Calf Muscles
Massage the calves by applying pressure with the palm and separating the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to increase blood flow. Alleviate tension in the calf muscles with tips from a massage therapist in this free video on massage techniques. Expert: Sundae Thomas Contact: www.Naturalsundae.com Bio: Sundae Thomas has been a massage therapist for almost a […]
High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension Herbal Remedies Or Home Remedies
Blood pressure normally shoots up during winters because the blood vessel walls get hardened and blood flow becomes slow, raising the pressure of blood in the vessels wall. It is very common in elderly females after menopause (cessation of menstruation) due to hormonal changes taking place in them after stoppage of menstruation around 40 years […]
Guide for Lowering High Blood Pressure
Why and How You Can Control Blood Pressure Naturally? When it Comes to Discovering How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally You Need A SIMPLE Step-by-Step Method Spelled-Out Fast … By Someone Who Has Been In Your Shoes & Can Teach You the Ropes! As someone who has suffered from high blood pressure myself, I […]
Hypertension in Teens
Hypertension is synonymous to high blood pressure. If you are diagnosed with hypertension, you had better take it seriously as your life can be put in risk. Hypertension can even lead to chronic renal failure. It also poses some great risks to people prone to heart attacks, heart problems and strokes. Most people believe that […]
Diabetes Mellitus – A Cardiovascular Disease
“Life is not over because you have diabetes. Make the most of what you have, be grateful.” Dale Evans Rogers (American Singer known as the “Queen of the West”, ) Glucose, a form of sugar, is the body’s main source of fuel. Glucose needs insulin to enter the cells to be used as energy. Insulin […]
Understanding a Blood Pressure Reading (Health Guru Tip)
“It’s 120 over 80,” your doctor says. But what does your blood pressure reading mean? Watch great health videos that don’t suck: www.healthguru.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
How To Get Rid Of Hypertension
High blood pressure or hypertension is known as the silent killer because most people don’t know they have it and they can die without warning. It was listed as a primary or contributing cause of deaths in the United States. One in five Americans has hypertension or high blood pressure. This is very alarming as […]
How to Take Blood Pressure : How to Take Blood Pressure
Learning how to take blood pressure is easy once you learn the basic things to listen for with the stethoscope. Learn exactly how to take blood pressure with tips from a doctor in this free health video. Expert: Dr. Robin Terranella Bio: Dr. Robin Terranella has a medical degree from Bastyr University and has trained […]
Blood Pressure Guidelines
www.iHealthTube.com Robert Kowalski explains how half the American population has elevated blood pressure. More at www.ihealthtube.com