High Diastolic Blood Pressure – What You Should Know

Before I get into explaining the dangers of high diastolic blood pressure, let me offer you a little background on how your body circulates blood. Every time your heart beats, it pushes blood into your blood vessel system (arteries, capillaries and veins are types of blood vessels). Your blood pressure is a measurement of the […]

Herbs For High Blood Pressure – 7 Tried and Tested Herbs As Alternative Treatments For Hypertension

Based on the data of the American Heart Association (AHA), almost one out of three Americans has high blood pressure. The sad part is that they are not aware that the disorder is already in their system. Only when it becomes severe by manifesting symptoms like nosebleeds, headache, or dizzy spells will the individual submit […]

Blood Pressure:Hypertension Reduction – Headphones Required

This session was created to assist people who suffer from severe hypertension/high blood pressure disease. The oscillating pitch targets and stimulates specific areas of the brain; thereby leaving the user refreshed and naturally relaxed. Headphones are required to achieve maximum results. Video Rating: 5 / 5

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Parkinson’s Disease and Paralysis

This video effectively addresses problems arising out of high blood pressure. The essence of the pranayamas, yoga asanas, acupressure and home remedies for to cope with problems of high blood pressure is captured in this video. High blood pressure due to any reason – ieobesity, diabetes, renal (kidney) problems or hereditary causes – will get […]

Help Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

Nearly a third of all Americans have high blood pressure. Many of these people take prescription medications. But the side effects of these medications are often as bad as the illness they’re supposed to cure! These side effects include impotence, sleeplessness, fatigue, dry mouth, leg cramps, depression, dizziness, constipation–the list goes on and on. How […]

Low COQ10 – What Can Cause the Deficiency?

Low coq10 blood levels can be caused by many things. This article looks at what can cause the deficiency and what can be done to correct it. Since, this antioxidant is present in practically every cell of the human body, lower than normal levels can cause dozens of different symptoms. Similarly, it has been investigated […]

Nitric Oxide – An Ingredient to Unleash Massive Energy

Earlier Nitric Oxide (No) was considered to be the most poisonous air pollutant but with time the same has been found to work as a potent signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. It is utilized by the cells of inner walls of the blood vessels to relax and widen, accelerating flow of blood. Other vital […]

Diabetes Natural Home Remedies – Worth a Try?

Diabetes Natural Home Remedies – Worth a Try? Article by Dr Andrew Napier Diabetes is a nutrition disorder whose characteristics is abnormal and high levels of blood glucose it also involves excretion of the excess glucose in urine. It is caused by complete or comparative lack of insulin which leads to an abnormality in the […]

How To Stay Safe When Taking High Blood Pressure Medication

High blood pressure is treated with many different groups of medicines. Each group affects the body in a different way. Depending on your full assessment, your doctor may decide you need a single medicine, or a combination of two or more. Beta blockers are one group. They slow the heart down. They also reduce the […]