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Vitamins for Better Life
Vitamins and minerals are substances that are found in foods we eat. Our body needs them to work properly, so you grow and develop just like you should. A vitamin is a nutrient that is an organic compound required in tiny amounts for essential metabolic reactions in a living organism. Our body is one powerful […]
Part 5: Hypertension (high blood pressure) caused by vitamin D deficiency
The differential diagnosis of chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) should include consideration of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed by measurement of blood levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D.
Foods That Kill – Part 1 of 6 Eating healthy, organic, whole foods is the key to good health and weight loss. Dr. Klaper explains, in very simple terms, how we’re killing ourselves one bite at a time with a meat based diet. No gruesome animal cruelty videos here, just the truth about how meat affects our own health and why a […]
The Question "What Minerals Are in Tap Water?" Has Triggered a Truthful Response
By seeking an answer to the question “What minerals are in tap water?” a homeowner can discover the answer to a second question: “What makes water ‘hard’?” Water that contains a generous amount of calcium, magnesium, and manganese forms a precipitate in the presence of soap. Most homeowners do not want to have that precipitate […]
HAARP Chemtrail Connection
HAARP ((High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program) is an array of antennae’s that shoot over 1 billion watts (3.6 MegaWatts) into the ionosphere turning our atmosphere into a giant microwave-radar combo basically. Scientists early on in the HAARP experiments found they were able to find natural gas desposits and oil wells with 100% accuracy deep […]
Nitric Oxide and a Hard Erection – Why You Need it and How to Increase Levels Naturally
Nitric oxide is needed not just for a hard erection, its needed for any erection! You simply cannot get an erection without it and as levels fall as men get older, its a common cause of erectile dysfunction. Nitric oxide quite simply increases blood flow into the penis and this is due to the fact […]
4 Most Effective Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure
Herbal remedies for high blood pressure and certain lifestyle changes can be the difference between controlling hypertension and making it worse. Even if you choose to adopt some natural or herbal remedies, it is important to continue taking any medications that have been prescribed by your doctor. These medications are designed to keep your blood […]
Good Times – The Check-up Part 2 of 3
The children wants James to go for a physical check up Video Rating: 4 / 5
Hair Growth Vitamins
Hair growth is more in the first 30-40 years of a person’s life and much slower after that. It is very difficult to ensure good hair growth throughout though a balanced and proper diet would go a long way in promoting hair growth. Hair growth may be affected due to several factors like neglect, external […]
Why is Colon Cleansing Essential?
The job of the colon is to help absorb essential nutrients and enable the removal of waste matter from you body. Colon cleansing refers to a procedure that prevents toxicity in your body by cleaning parasites and detoxifying the colon. When you undergo a colon cleansing you ensure regular bowel movements by removing harmful toxins. […]
Inside Natures Giants – S1 E4 – The Giraffe Part 1/5 HD
Playlist All 5 Parts Season 1 Episode 4 The Giraffe : The dissection team piece together the remarkable evolutionary story of the giraffe. For evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins the anatomy of the world’s tallest animal provides some of the best arguments in favour of Darwinian natural selection. For example, one nerve takes a […]
Vitamins and Minerals, What You Need to Know Now
If you are like most people, I am sure you have heard…”Don’t forget to take your vitamins” or “eat your vegetables or salad…they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. But what exactly are vitamins and minerals? How do they benefit us? Are they something to be concerned with? Vitamins and minerals are substances that are […]