Hypertension – Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a persistent blood pressure above 90 mm Hg between the heart beats (diastolic) or over 140 mm Hg at the beats (systolic). The blood pressure varies naturally in response to stress and physical work load.Therefore the blood pressure shall be measured in a relaxed situation and several times before […]

Nitric Oxide – Does it Work For Building Muscle?

What is it about the psychological effects of a ‘muscle pump’ that tends to send our neural synapse activity from the purely logical sides of our brains to the emotional? Is it that we think we’ve finally achieved that elusive ‘mind/muscle connection?’ Are we inherently emotional when it comes to our bodies? Do most muscle […]

Elidel and Protopic? Natural Alternatives to Treat Eczema

As I was couch bound one evening, a ‘cute’ commerical for an eczema drug appeared. It stated that it treated eczema and that there was no cure for eczema. Needless to say, as a naturopathic medical student, I was furious. There is a cure for eczema. It is called prevention. But that is another issue. […]