Cured Cases of Oedema face, Migraine, Insomnia, Hypertension

The Case When Harpreet Kaur came to MindHeal Homoepathy, she wasn’t her usual self. Her face was awfully swollen; her left eyelid was so badly swollen, it could barely open; and she suffered crushing migraines. This 48-year-old school teacher said her face began to swell two years ago, when she underwent menopause. Her other symptoms, […]

High Blood Pressure: Hypertension – The Silent Killer

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension is known as the silent killer because most people who have these conditions don’t even know they have it. Most people have no clue. Hypertension usually develops first and if not corrected usually leads to a chronic condition known as high blood pressure. These conditions are normally diagnosed by […]

The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper for Bad Breath

Nowadays, many individuals are turning towards alternative medicine when dealing with bad breath problems. Amongst the alternative medicine, herbs seem to be the most popular. Herbs are natural remedies and to deal with chronic bad breath, most herbalists suggest using Cayenne Pepper. Different studies have shown that it is beneficial for the digestive system and […]

Hypertension – Combat Both High Blood Pressure and Acidosis – The Silent and the Real Silent Killers

High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the silent killer because it does not give symptoms or warning before it strikes.?Hypertension is not just one disease or diagnosis, look at hypertension as a sign of poor picture of overall health. Remember that blood pressure is one of the vital signs we measure?as?a gauge?to? your?your overall?health (other […]

Minerals and Their Importance in Nutrition

The term ‘minerals’ refers to elements in their simple inorganic form. In nutrition they are commonly referred to as mineral elements or inorganic nutrients. Minerals are vital to health. Like vitamins and amino acids, minerals are essential for regulating and building the trillions of living cells which make up the body. Body cells receive the […]