Natural Remedies For Hypertension – Tips For Optimal Health

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, occurs when too much pressure is placed on the walls of the arteries. While high blood pressure is a serious health concern, there are many proven ways to reduce blood pressure naturally without drugs or medications. Natural remedies are cost effective and have very few (if any) side effects. […]

Cure Hypertension With Natural Remedies – 3 Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

If you suffer from Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and you want a better life quality, I encourage you to give a chance to Natural Remedies and Treatments. Drugs have several side effects and the feeling of having to buy medicine to control your blood pressure for the rest of your life is horrible. In this […]

CoQ10 And Diabetes – Using Dietary Supplements For Treatment

CoQ10 stands for Coenzyme Q10, which is also known as ubiquinone or ubiquinol. This substance, a compound that is similar to vitamins, plays a vital role in several biological processes such as protein production and muscle contraction. As an antioxidant, it helps fight free radicals by destroying compounds that cause damage to the body’s cells. […]

Urinalysis Part 1.mp4

Part 1 of 3 of a somewhat brief introduction to urinalysis for freshman/sophomore pre-nursing students. Individual tests are discussed (specific gravity, pH, leukocytes, protein, glucose, ketones, uroblinogen, bilirubin, blood and hemoglobin). Basic pathologies that can be indicated by comparing the individual tests are also discussed (diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, hemolysis, liver disease, biliary obstruction, urinary tract […]

Even TV Doctors Notify Patient’s Next of Kin – Sometimes

Have you noticed how many prime time medical shows are doing episodes on next of kin notification issues? Just in the last two months there have been two – “Grey’s Anatomy” on ABC and the new TNT series “HawthoRNe”. Not that they meant to do episodes specifically about that, and as far as one of […]

Health Matters: Gastric Bypass Surgery

Morbid obesity nearly doubles the risk of early death and is often accompanied by severe side effects such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Gastric Bypass can be an ideal solution. Join host David Granet, MD, as he talks with world-renowned expert, Alan Wittgrove, MD, Wittgrove Bariatric Center at Scripps Memorial […]