Today’s busy lifestyles are one of the culprits when it comes to poor diet and hair loss. There are so many things to get done in just 24 hours that often no one has the time or the inclination to cook. So instead they grab burgers and fries or pizza and off they go to […]
Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure That Really Work
If you have hypertension, you may worry about taking synthetic prescription drugs. There are natural remedies for high blood pressure that work, along with a few lifestyle changes where needed. By making just a few changes you can save the money you were spending on prescriptions, and improve your health! You probably know about habits […]
Getting to Know All About Hypertension
Hypertension or most commonly known as high blood pressure is a condition wherein the pressure in the blood vessels is higher than normal or is in an elevated condition. It is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systematic arterial blood pressure is high. Hypertension is the opposite of Hypotension which is also known […]
The Effects of Salt on Blood Pressure
The amount of salt consumption within our diets has a direct effect on our health, especially on our blood pressure. Too much salt will increase blood pressure which is a major risk factor for developing a serious cardiovascular disease (conditions that can affect the circulation of blood around the body), such as a stroke, heart […]
Getting Rid of Wrinkles Between the Eyes – Try CoQ10 With Functional Keratin
CoQ10 Rich Creams Reduce Wrinkles and Skin Aging Signs Getting rid of wrinkles between the eyes can be challenging. The first step is to begin to protect the area from the damage that caused the wrinkle formation in the first place. Squinting could be the problem. If it’s been years since your last eye exam, […]
Cardiovascular Risk with Meridia (April 2010)
FDA is alerting healthcare professionals that Meridia (sibutramine) is contraindicated in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease because the drug increases their risk of heart attack and stroke. Meridia is used to manage obesity. In November 2009, an early communication from FDA reported preliminary study results suggesting that patients on Meridia had a greater […]
Dog Food Comparison – The Essential Nutrients to Compare
Although there are some sites that claim to provide information or comparisons of different types of dog food, most are created and run by dog food companies and are just a marketing gimmick designed to put their particular brand in a good light in order to increase sales. If you are looking for dog food […]
How CoQ10 Fights Skin Aging
Coenzyme Q10 (known as CoQ10 or ubiquinone) is a naturally occurring molecule that is quite beneficial in cosmetics for healthy skin. This vitamin-like substance is responsible for converting nutrients into energy at the basic, fundamental cellular level. Its role in the skin care industry is relatively new, but CoQ10 has been a valuable treatment for […]
How to Lower High Blood Pressure With Food Rich in Potassium and Calcium
Hypertension or high blood pressure disease is sometimes known as the “Silent Killer”, because it often has no symptoms at all until something bad happens. To prevent you from this disease, you should be aware of the foods you eat, and I recommend food rich in potassium and calcium, because it can help control your […]
Slim Down with Lap Band Surgery
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION: If you are concerned with your weight, losing weight using the adjustable gastric band can significantly improve your health and quality of life. A recent article (April 10, 2007) in the Canadian Medical Association Journal recommends bariatric or weight loss surgery as an acceptable option for people for whom […]
Omega 3, 6, 9 Oils – Essential Oils for a Healthy Body
We are being bombarded each day about information on omega 3 6 9 oils and supplements. Listening to so many facts and figures might get complicated for the common man. You need information about each of these but in a simpler and intelligible manner and this is exactly what we give you in this article. […]
rice Fried rice recipe Losing Weight diabetes diet ?????????
Vivorice Sugar Free Products are unique blend of whole grain brown rice, black oats, whole wheat, red rice and black rice FDA has suggested the dietary fiber from whole grain food in conjunction with a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and some types of […]
Five Simple Steps To A Healthy Diet For People With High Blood Pressure
For those who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), they will know what a serious effect it can have on their health. However, what many who are first diagnosed with this health condition do not realize is that they can actually control it if they are willing to make alterations to their lifestyles. Today there […]