Health Supplements – Vitamin E and Its Benefits

Are you vitamin E deficient? A lot of times, our doctors tell us we’re deficient in something we don’t even really know about. So, we take health supplements without even understanding why. What is vitamin E deficiency about? And why do we need vitamin E anyway? What benefits does it give our bodies? First and […]

Control Hypertension With Hypertension Exercises

High blood pressure and hypertension when left untreated is known as uncontrolled hypertension. In fact, according to recent research about 75 percent of the people suffering from hypertension in the U.S. do not get effective treatment to manage their high blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension is much more dangerous than you might think. One thing patients […]

Leonardo da Vinci: “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”

Edwin Mullins presents his ideas on this painting, and Leonardo Kenneth Clark, from his “Looking at Pictures”, on “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”: Being used to the iconography of Italian painting, I can see that it is meant to represent the Virgin Mary, her mother, St Anne, and the Infant Christ; but could […]

Dr Whiting on Heart Disease and Oral Chelation (CLICK HERE) In spite of dozens of drugs and numerous surgical procedures, heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized nations. While there are many forms of possible heart disease, the heart attack is the most common and most feared. Heart attacks can also come as a result of […]

Blue Crab Cakes with Creamy Cayenne Pepper Sauce

1 stalk celery; finely chopped 1 bunch green onions; finely chopped 1 bunch parsley; finely chopped 1 egg 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 3/4 cup mayonnaise 2 lemons, juiced 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 4 1/2 oz Carr’s Water Biscuits: ground 1 lb blue crab meat 4 tablespoon butter (or as needed) —-CAYENNE PEPPER SAUCE—- […]