Omega 3 Oil Sources – Fish Oils and Vegan Omega 3 Oil Sources

The fact that you are reading this article implies that you do have an idea about the various health benefits of Omega 3 and want to know about the omega 3 oil sources that can be included in your daily diet.

Unfortunately omega 3 oils are lesser than the sources of Omega 6 fatty acids. This is the main reason why our diets have almost completely been replaced by Omega 6 fats leading to an unhealthy balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fats.

The ideal ratio for Omega 3: Omega 6 fats should be 1:1 or 3:1 respectively, but our increased dependence on processed foods has disrupted this ratio and made it 1:20.

This means we consume almost 20 times more Omega 6 fatty acids than Omega 3. Doctors claim this imbalance is the reason behind various modern degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart strokes, allergies etc.

However, this imbalance can be corrected by including more omega 3 oil in your diet.

One if the richest omega 3 oil sources are Fish Oils extracted from the tissues of fatty fishes such as salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel and Hoki. Being a vegetarian, you might get worried seeing only fish oils being included in the list of Omega 3 oils.

However, certain vegetable oils such as the Flaxseed oil, Canola oil, walnut oil and Sunflower oil are also a rich source of Omega 3 fats. Vegetarian omega 3 oil sources are rich in ALA or alpha-linolenic acids that need to be converted into EPA and DHA fats, to be utilized by the body.

The reason why Fish oils are considered to be the richest omega 3 oil sources is because they contain both Eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) in the natural form. Since the body can absorb these fats instantly, they provide more energy and more health benefits.

How to select the best omega 3 oil?

Selecting the best omega 3 oil is important if you want to ensure maximum health benefits. As we have mentioned before, vegetable oils contain ALA fats which need to be broken down into DHA and EPA. Thus fish oils remain to be the richest and most natural form of omega 3 oil.

Not all fish oils are created equal. Purchase only molecularly distilled fish oils since they are free of all toxins such as mercury, metals etc found in ocean waters. Manufacturers use molecular distillation to refine the fish oils and make them pure and safe for human consumption.

The omega 3 oil sources that you select should contain maximum amounts of both EPA and DHA. Fish oil extracted from the Hoki fish found in New Zealand, has 40% higher DHA levels than other fish oils and is considered a superior variety.

An antioxidant is essentially added to fish oils to prevent them from going rancid and also to neutralize the effects of free radicals in our body.

Manufacturers might add all kinds of preservatives along with fish oils and misguide the consumers. However, the best quality fish oils contain only Vitamin E that acts as a powerful antioxidant and is good for health too.

Including more and more Omega 3 oils sources in your daily diet will keep your heart and brain healthy. It will improve your skin condition, help you loose weight and provide relief from joint pain too.

Micheal Thomas is an editor for a series of health related websites. Learn about the best fish oil capsules that we ourselves use daily after extensive product comparisons and research over at

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