Alright so the title sounds a little intimidating and scary maybe even however, don’t let that chase you off from using omega 3 oils because when armed with the right amount of knowledge, the omega 3 oils danger factor is all but eliminated and you can still enjoy all the benefits that come along with adding omega 3 supplements to your diet.
The majority of the omega 3 oils danger is that the people in the western world suffer from a serious deficiency of omega 3 essential fatty acids. That is more of a danger than anything because it promotes sickness and other unwanted side effects to not having enough essential fatty acids.
Most of us have an extremely high intake of omega 6 essential fatty acids and way too low of an intake of omega 3. This is because omega 6 is found in almost all greasy foods and is used in abundance in manufactured foods that go to our restaurants or grocery stores. However, there are a couple of dangers associated with harvesting and processing supplements that are derived from fish due to pollution factors.
The Omega 3 Oils Danger Lies in Location and Processing
The omega 3 oils danger lies mainly in the location and the processing of fish, which are the highest known source for acquiring material for use in supplements. Fish has been found to contain very high levels of contaminants and toxins from our atmosphere and of these, some of the known toxins are things like mercury, lead as well as other heavy metals and toxins.
Even PCBs have been found and going back to the lead discovery in our fish, it is interesting to note that it has been many years since leaded gasoline has been for sale and these indications clearly show that the air traffic pollution also plays a role in polluting our oceans. It is an omega 3 fish oils danger if the product you wish to consume has been derived from an area that is highly polluted as in a body of water near a heavily industrialized location. These types of high industry areas are infamous for releasing the waste into our rivers that feed our oceans.
And lastly, the most imperative part of this entire process is in how that fish is processed once it is harvested from a location that is far away from a lot of industry, for example New Zealand. However, there is still a minimal amount of pollution as well as natural pollution, which makes how the product is processed of the highest importance. Molecular distillation is the only method in which to remove fish oil effectively and removing all toxins while retaining the omega 3 essential fatty acids.
We have found a pure pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled fish oil product that is naturally high in DHA and EPA.Coming from the Hoki Fish Located on the pristine southern coasts of New Zealand, where the waters are extremely low in pollution and toxins. Discover the best fish oil product on the market today and the one we ourselves personally use. We recommend you learn more: Omega 3 Fish OilJean Helmet is one of the editors for a series of health sites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition, as well as omega 3 nutrition, and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition health book, for more information on our free featured book.