Nitric Oxide and a Hard Erection – Why You Need it and How to Increase Levels Naturally

Nitric oxide is needed not just for a hard erection, its needed for any erection! You simply cannot get an erection without it and as levels fall as men get older, its a common cause of erectile dysfunction.

Nitric oxide quite simply increases blood flow into the penis and this is due to the fact that it relaxes the walls of the blood vessels which feed the penis, making them wider and able to take enough blood in, to make the penis hard.

Synthetic drugs increase nitric oxide secretion but you can also do it naturally, with no side affects with the best herbal sex pills. The supplements below will increase levels naturally and give you some other sexual health benefits at the same time.

L Arginine

Is an amino acid which is produced naturally in the body and when it declines with age it causes nitric oxide production to fall too however you can get it as a supplement and in testing after just two weeks of taking it, nearly 80% of men who took i, reported better erections and more sexual desire.

The above amino acid, is even more effectiv, when combined with the two Chinese libido Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium which have been used for thousands of years in the East and are still used today in Chinese medicine because they work.

Get them ALL in the Best Herbal Sex Pills

You will find the above in all the best natural sex pills for men, combined with other libido enhancing herbs which will help you give you more nitric oxide, leading to a harder erection and they will also improve your overall level of wellness at the same time.

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