Need to Lower Your Blood Pressure Fast Before Your Next Employment Physical?

Do you need to lower your blood pressure fast? There are all kinds of reasons why people want to get to a normal blood pressure reading quickly. Often times it really doesn’t have anything to do about their concern with health but rather about how a high blood pressure reading will affect some other part of their life. Like work.

Any number of jobs has a requirement for an annual physical that is a condition of employment. This runs the gamut of over the road truck drivers to airline pilots to police and firemen and almost anyone who is involved in physical exertion. If you know you have high blood pressure and you’re scheduled for a physical by your employer, then you are obviously concerned.

What happens if you fail that exam? How long will they keep you on and what kind of work will they provide while you get your blood pressure under control? What does this mean financially?

Well if your exam is at least three weeks off and your pressure isn’t greater than 20 points above normal then there is good news. You can get down to normal if you want. And you can do it without drugs.

It will be a challenge but once you have the knowledge and you act on it, you’ll be able to achieve the results you want.

Let’s start with what the principal objective is. Nobody really knows what causes high blood pressure but we know plenty about its effect on the body and the blood vessels in particular. The vessels are designed to expand when the heart pumps blood and then contract after the pulse passes. A person with high blood pressure has lost some or all of this elasticity so the vessels are stiff or contracted at all times. When the vessels are contracted they have a smaller diameter handling the same force from the heart. This is what high blood pressure is.

Our job is to loosen up those vessels to allow them to more efficiently handle the flow from the heart. The steps that follow are designed to do just that.

* Step 1. Hydrate. If you had gone to a doctor he may have prescribed a diuretic to flush out salt and excess fluids. That’s fine but the diuretics come with side effects. You can accomplish much the same thing by drinking enough water. As a rule you should drink at least half your body weight expressed in ounces each day. So if you weigh 150 pounds you need 75 ounces of water. Don’t skimp on this.

* Step 2. Exercise. This is the fastest way to temporarily reduce blood pressure. Do at least 30 minutes a day of mild aerobic exercise like walking, swimming laps or riding a bike. Not only will this lower your pressure, it works off stress which is another big concern. With a little luck you might also lose a pound or two in 3 weeks. Make absolutely sure you don’t skip exercise on the day of the exam.

* Step 3. Diet. This is probably what got you your condition in the first place. Starting today, no more fast food joints for lunch. You don’t have to go hungry; you just have to watch what you eat. Don’t use any table salt; you get way more than you need from processed foods and eating out. Cut way back on red meat and fried food Substitute poultry, cold water fish or lean white meat for beef. Eat a handful of almonds or pistachios before each meal. This gives you some good cholesterol, fiber and also fills you up. Include fresh fruit and vegetables every day. And then there’s the magic garlic clove. Try to include 1 clove a day. It not only reduces cholesterol, it works as a vasodilator and expands the blood vessels.

* Step 4. Watch what you drink. Cut back on caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda and iced tea. Limit your alcohol to a single drink a day. Hey it’s only for 3 weeks right?

* Step 5. Lower stress. This will be a challenge because you’re already stressing out over the physical but you have to get control. First of all, don’t use any medication or sleeping pills. You’ll just mess up your liver and set back the progress you’ve made in lowering your pressure. Find at least 15 minutes a day that you can call your own. Do some deep breathing exercises or listen to some relaxing music. Try to include things you really enjoy doing during these three weeks. The more enjoyment you can experience, the lower the stress.

That’s a good start. It can be done and has been done by thousands. I know right now you’re just concerned with the job but I’ll guarantee that after 3 weeks you are going to experience a new freedom from hypertension. You’re going to like what you did and you are going to feel so much better. So while this is all about the job, don’t give up the effort once you’ve passed the exam. Your heart will thank you.

If you’re desperate to get that pressure down before the exam ad you’re still unsure what to do, go to and get the step by step guide that can bring you down to normal inside 3 weeks. If you need help with controlling stress try this free relaxing video.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications