Minerals in Drinking Water

There are two kinds of chemicals, inorganic and organic. There are about 115 inorganic elements that make up the earth’s surface. Inorganic minerals are referred to as salts or mineral salts. When these inorganic minerals are dissolved in water they are referred to as “total dissolved solids” or TDS. It is believed that mineral waters help furnish elements for body metabolism. But there is scientific proof to suggest that many of these minerals are in an inorganic (dead) form. While they may enter the circulation, they cannot be used in the physiological process of building the human cell. These inorganic minerals only interfere with the delicate and complex biology of the body. They may also overwork the kidneys. For example, it would be biologically impossible to nourish the body with iron by taking “iron filings” or any other form of inorganic iron. The best way to nourish the body with iron is through fresh and, preferably, raw fruits and vegetables.

With this in mind, we can see that mineral water may give “dead” or “inorganic” minerals to the body which cannot be properly assimilated.” The minerals which the human body needs that are in the water are insignificant compared to those found in food.” The body’s need for minerals is largely met through foods, NOT DRINKING WATER.” The organic minerals in tap water represent only 1% of the total mineral content of the water. Hence one glass of orange juice contains more beneficial minerals than thirty gallons of untreated tap water.

The inorganic chemicals like chlorine, alum and sodium fluoride are inert, which means that they cannot be absorbed into the living tissues of the body. Our body chemistry is composed of 19 organic minerals, which must come from that which is living or has lived. When we eat an apple or any other fruit or vegetable, that substance is living. It has a certain length of life after it has been picked from the vine or tree. The same goes for animal foods, fish, milk, cheese and eggs. Organic minerals are vital in keeping us alive and healthy. If we were cast away on an uninhibited island where nothing was growing, we would starve to death. Even through the soil beneath our feet contains 18 inorganic minerals, our bodies cannot absorb them. Only the living plant has the power to extract inorganic minerals from earth. No human can extract nourishment out of inorganic minerals.”

What the human body cannot utilize or excrete, it must store. Consequently, the inorganic salts (inorganic minerals) are stored and in time take their toll in the form of hardening of the arteries, stones within the kidneys, urethras, gall bladder, joints and an etiologic factor in enlargement of the adipose cell (fat cell). To be one hundred percent healthy, the human body must be free of inorganic minerals. When pure water enters the human body, it leaves no residue. It is free of all inorganic salts. It is the perfect drink for internal cleanliness and health. Reverse osmosis water is crystal clear with every impurity removed, ready for and perfect for human consumption, free from all pollutants including inorganic salts, organic material, bacteria and viruses. No other water excels as fit for human consumption.

The minerals in the Natural Waters are inactive. They do not contain enzymes, the essence of life. Nature has made provision to install life into these mineral elements by means of the development of the growth and maturity of plants. In the course of the plant’s growth, the roots collect minerals from the earth, convert them into live organic elements and absorb them into the stem, the leaves, the seeds and the flower and fruit. It is natural that the use of fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices should furnish the cells and tissues of the body with the finest kind and quality of nourishment in the form of ultra-microscopic minerals replete with enzymes.”

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