Hypoglycemia, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes – The Dietary Component

Hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, and diabetes are three chronic diseases that afflict a significant percentage of the U.S. population. Nearly 50% of the population is believed to be afflicted with hypoglycemia; 33% of the population with high blood pressure, and 8% of the population with diabetes. While doctor care and prescription medication are in order for each of these identified diseases, the dietary component cannot be ignored.

There is a common thread that runs through the dietary needs for each of these sufferers and that is less meat and more vegetables helps to keep the symptoms under control and even extend the life of the individual. To be more specific, it is recommended that those suffering from hypoglycemia should eat food close to the natural state as possible with a particular focus upon beans and other high fiber foods such as brown rice, potatoes, wheat bread, and whole grain cereals. Low sugar fruits such as berries, plums, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, and the like are also essential.

For those suffering from high blood pressure, here again fruits, especially, those that are good sources of potassium are important to consume such as cantaloupes, bananas, oranges, watermelon, and dried apricots. Vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, as well as those vegetables and fruits which are a good source of magnesium such as yellow corn, whole grains, dark green vegetables, figs, apples, nuts, and grape fruit need to be included. And finally those foods which are a good source of calcium cannot be forgotten. They include low- fat dairy products, peanuts, walnuts, dried beans, sunflower seeds, and dark leafy vegetables.

For those suffering from diabetes, again as for those with hypoglycemia, those fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber such as peas, beans, whole grain breads, and cereals may help to lower blood glucose which must be maintained at normal levels. Such a diet can also help you to achieve and maintain a desirable weight as well as help to prevent heart disease and blood vessel diseases.

Keep up to date with timely financial tips and subscribe to the newsletter. Visit http://www.youcontrol.blogspot.com. Will Barnes is a financial and personal growth consultant based in Illinois.

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