Hypertension – The Cardio Cocktail Solution

Dr. Oz stated on Oprah that High Blood Pressure was the major factor in advanced aging. Why is Hypertension (high blood pressure) so harmful to the body? Is there anything we can do besides drugs to combat this disease? Many people are finding healthy solutions to this problem. Are you venturous enough to be one of them? Please read below to find out more about hypertension.

Hypertension if not treated increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and eye disease. In hypertension the heart must work harder than normal increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, kidney failure, and atherosclerosis. A heart that is overworked for an extended length of time will eventually enlarge. Arteries will also become scarred and hardened due to hypertension. This in turn makes the arteries less elastic and limits the amount of blood flow to the organs. This can cause blood clots in the arteries, damage the heart, brain, and kidneys.

Hypertension has been called the silent killer. The reason for this is that many people with hypertension do not exhibit any symptoms. Thus high blood pressure can go undiagnosed and untreated for many years. The cause of hypertension has been classified as unknown. However 95% of individuals with hypertension are overweight. It stands to reason that losing weight, if one is overweight, would be the place to start to reverse high blood pressure. Studies have shown that losing just 2 pounds can cause a 1 to 2 point drop in blood pressure. This of course can be accomplished by a good nutritious diet and proper exercise. Being overweight is not the only reason for hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be caused by medical problems such as Cushing’s syndrome, kidney disease, pregnancy, oral contraceptives and certain other medications, as well as chronic alcohol abuse. Aging is another factor to consider with high blood pressure. As we age the chances of developing hypertension increase in this is usually seen more in men than it is in women.

Other than lifestyle changes there are supplements that have been shown to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure. One supplement in particular has been showing tremendous results. That supplement is L. arginine, an amazing amino acid that the body uses to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is important for the health of the endothelial cells. The endothelial cells are the cells that line the inside of the arteries. When nitric oxide is produced, arteries relax allowing more blood to flow through the body. In 1998 three scientists won a Nobel Prize for the understanding of the nitric oxide pathway. Over 70,000 articles exist on Pub Med showing the benefits of L. arginine and circulation. In one German study L. arginine was pitted against a statin drug in lowering cholesterol. To the surprise of the scientists involved L. arginine not only proved as good as the statin drug, it proved superior in lowering cholesterol.

Other supplements that have been beneficial for hypertension are omega-3 fatty acids. High doses of omega-3 fatty acids have lowered blood pressure in some people. In 1997 the American Journal of clinical nutrition stated that “fish oil has a mild blood pressure lowering effect in both normal and mildly hypertensive individuals.” While fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, does not lower cholesterol it does reduce triglycerides on the average by 35%.

Another report by the American Journal of clinical nutrition stated that adequate dietary mineral intake protects against high blood pressure. The Annals of Medicine stated that “potassium, calcium, and magnesium may be protective electrolytes against hypertension.” One mineral seems to stand out above the rest. That mineral is magnesium. Anyone dealing with hypertension would be wise to take between 500 to 1500 mg of elemental magnesium daily. Magnesium may not prevent hypertension but it can lower your risk of complications due to high blood pressure, such as stroke.

Another supplement that has been making headlines lately with regard to lowering blood pressure is vitamin D. Research is starting to suggest that vitamin D may play a role in blood pressure regulation and heart health. Cases of high blood pressure increase in the winter and this could be due to lack of vitamin D production in the body. Both blood vessels and the heart have large numbers of receptor sites for vitamin D, this would seem to indicate that vitamin D is important to blood flow. No more research will be forthcoming as scientists and researchers more fully understand this vital nutrient.

All the supplements and more can be found in one nutritious supplement that I have been supporting for some time. That supplement is called Cardio Cocktail. Cardio cocktail contains 5 g of arginine, 4000 IU of vitamin D, 200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants and fulvic minerals in each liquid ounce. I use a digital pulsewave analyzer to measure the elasticity in blood flow of arteries. Many people are amazed to see the difference in their blood flow after taking 1 ounce of Cardio Cocktail. If you are experiencing hypertension and would like to take a nutritious supplement to increase your blood flow and lower your blood pressure why not check out Cardio Cocktail.

You can visit my site at http://www.MyCardioGrade.com for more information. Be sure to check out the testimonial page where many people have experienced grand results.http://www.MyCardioGrade.com

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications