How To Lower High Blood Pressure With Natural Remedies

Ancient medical traditions such as Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine have always used natural remedies to cure many ailments. Each has a long and venerable history, which through trial and error, has discovered many herbs and plants that can treat conditions ranging from life threatening to mildly inconvenient. In fact, there are herbs that have been discovered from these ancient traditions that can lower high blood pressure if used correctly. They are thought to work best at the pre-hypertension stage with blood pressure readings between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg. This article will cover four useful plants and the active ingredients that will help to lower high blood pressure.


Hawthorn has a number of species that have been used in many ancient medical traditions to improve digestion. The species Crataegus laevigata is thought to be useful in lowering high blood pressure. There have been a number of clinical trials conducted to confirm or deny this contention. At this stage the tests seem to have had mixed results. Some tests show a marked difference in blood pressure for people taking a hawthorn extract over the placebo cases. Other tests show no significant change in blood pressure. For those that believe in Hawthorn, it is thought to open up blood vessels for better blood flow as well as hinder the production of a special enzyme angiotensin which causes high blood pressure. Furthermore, Hawthorn is believed to have antioxidant properties that can help reduce LDL cholesterol build up or plaque on the artery walls, which is a major cause of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba has almost gone mainstream as a herbal cure all for many ailments. You will find it in supplement form or more recently in energy drinks or fruit juices. Although many claims as to it’s effectiveness remain contentious it is thought to promote the flow of blood through the body through the dilation of blood vessels. It is also thought to stimulate the circulatory system and function on the blood clotting abilities of the body.


Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) has diuretic affects on the body. It can help to rid the body of excess fluids and impurities that may be raising your blood pressure. Dandelion has been used for hundreds of years for many problems, including high blood pressure. It also has a high quantity of vitamins and minerals such as many B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin C which are all essential for a healthy heart.

Guelder Rose or Cramp Bark

The bark was originally used for relief against cramps but it is also noted to relax the cardiovascular system and relieve high blood pressure. It is popularized by American Indian traditions where it was added to drinks or food. Very little clinical research has been done on Guelder Rose and there are no reported side effects to taking the bark.

If you plan to try these herbs and plants as a supplement you should talk to your doctor first. The supplements may conflict with a medicine you are currently taking. Your doctor will also be aware of the situation and be in a better position to assess the changes in your high blood pressure or other areas of your health.

Excessive Cholesterol is also a major factor in high blood pressure as it can cause plaque build up in the arteries. Find out how to increase good cholesterol and foods to eat to lower bad cholesterol thus promoting a healthier heart at Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

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