How to lower high blood pressure? Can it be done? Yes.
But don’t I need to take lots of pills? Well, you might do … but, there are also ways that you can lower? it? naturally. And not only will they help to reduce your hypertension, they are likely to help make you a healthier person overall.
Now it must be stressed, if you’re already taking high blood pressure (b.p.) medication then you should keep taking that until your doctor suggests that you no longer need to. Even if you’re feeling the bad side effects that many people do, you don’t want to throw away that medication just yet.
However, the ways of naturally lowering those b.p. numbers are useful whether you’re already taking medication or not. They will help your body and over time maybe you will be able to say goodbye to those pills.
Anyway, enough idle banter – just how do you lower your b.p. naturally?
Well, there’s 3 key things you should focus on.
The first involves exercising more. In particular, focussing on cardiovascular exercise – which is exercise that gets the heart pumping a little harder. This can be as simple as doing a bit more walking. Ideally, 30 mins of exercise today – cumulative – will be enough to make a big difference to your hypertension levels. However, if you are quite unfit and/or overweight and/or already taking high blood pressure medication, do consult with your doctor first.
The second change is diet. There’s actually a large range of natural supplements that can make a big difference to your body and your b.p.. And, of course, it’s absolutely essential that you reduce the amount of fast and/or fatty foods that you may be consuming.
Finally, get rid of that stress! Often in people with high blood pressure it’s the stresses in their life that finally put their body into a place where it shouldn’t be. By exercising and eating properly you will naturally help to reduce your stress levels, but you should also look into what other changes you can make to reduce your stress.
By: Mike H. Mitchell