How Much Coq10 Should I Take a Day?

How much CoQ10 should I take a day?

It seems as though every expert on the subject recommends different dosages, so trying to figure what to do can almost make you feel like not taking the nutrient altogether.

This would be a drastic mistake though because this nutrient is essential to energy production and disease prevention. As we get older many processes in our bodies begin to decline, and the production of Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is one of the areas that is affected. We have to do everything within our power to try and keep from suffering from a nutrient deficiency in this case because a lack of Coenzyme Q10 causes many physical disorders.

The honest answer to how much coq10 should I take a day is so difficult to find because we really don’t know exactly how much is necessary to avoid becoming deficient. The numbers that you often find vary, because the experts recommend different dosages based on the state of a person’s health. Lower dosages are recommended for disease prevention, while higher doses have been found to be more effective in the treatment of diseases that have already manifested themselves.

Our daily dietary intake of Coenzyme Q10 has been estimated to be somewhere around 5 milligrams per day, which with the prevalence of heart disease and other ailments is known to be too low.

Nutritional supplements for healthy individuals range anywhere from 15 t0 30 milligrams per capsule. You have to remember though that many of these supplements require you to take 4 to 6 capsules per day for optimum health.

How much CoQ10 should I take a day if I am a relatively healthy individual?

It is generally recommended that between 100 and 120 milligrams per day are ideal for maintaining our health, and the coenzyme q10 molecule should be broken down to microscopic size for maximum bio-availability. Many of the supplements on the market feature Coenzyme Q10 in forms that are hardly bio-available at all.

Coenzyme Q10 has been proven effective in the prevention and treatment of congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, angina, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. This nutrient is also known to prevent the oxidation of your LDL cholesterol so that the cholesterol does not collect on your arterial walls. Ongoing studies are looking into its effectiveness in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.

How much coq10 should I take a day if I am already suffering from one or more of these ailments? The answer to that question is up to your doctor to decide because too many things could factor into your condition for me to give you a recommendation here. I believe that you should be consuming 100 to 120 milligrams per day at minimum, no matter what the state of your health.

Your question as to how much CoQ10 should I take a day is a difficult one to answer.

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