High Blood Pressure Remedies Are All Around You

General interest in high blood pressure remedies increases steadily week by week. That’s because awareness is rapidly growing that high BP is not just a common condition but also a pre-condition for serious problems such as congestive heart failures, blindness, heart attacks, diseases and kidney disorders.

But if you’re here, you don’t need to be told that.

What you may need to be reminded of is that hypertension is not generally a factor in less developed communities, which gives us a clue as to how to prevent it: physical exercise and healthy diet.

Exercise and diet are at the root of almost every natural remedy for blood pressure. Here’s why:

Exercise – a key to weight control

Every five pounds of excess weight contributes to higher blood pressure. So one of the easiest remedies is simply to keep your weight under control.

You should be active from an early age. If your life style does not keep you in motion, you need a formal schedule of exercise, either through a sport or a fitness regimen. It is crucial to adopt a fitness routine that you participate in daily, at least three days a week and preferably five.

This is one of the simplest high blood pressure remedies you can undertake.

It needs to be pointed out, though, that both hypertension and being overweight or obese can be genetic. So it’s important to understand if it runs in your family or not. Even if there is a genetic link, you will still benefit from regular exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling and running.

Then there is your diet

Even if you are not overweight and have no family history of blood pressure problems, you might still be told by your doctor that your levels are too high. Very often sodium or salt is a common cause, so this is one of the first places to take action by cutting back.

Avoid taking high caloric food and processed food. Fruits, whole grains, fiber content and vegetables are some of the food you should be eating. Take more spices and vegetables like beetroot, carrot, spinach, grapes, and berries.

Garlic has long been put forward as a natural remedy for blood pressure. Although garlic supplements have been proven effective, treat them with caution and consult your doctor. Garlic can thin the blood and may interact with other supplements and/or prescription drugs.

You can also try Indian gooseberry. Blend it with honey and take it in the mornings on a daily basis.

Lemon is another remedy with high quantities of Vitamin P in it and helps to counter capillary fragility which can occur with high BP.

Watermelon can be taken in the form of a juice. There is also a substance extracted from the juice which can dilate blood vessels effectively.

Natural remedies generally more effective

Alternative remedies such as these are generally more effective than allopathic medications in lowering the blood pressure levels. Alternative remedies are natural (non-pharmaceutical) approaches to lowering blood pressure back to healthy levels.

Given the cost and many side effects experienced from long-term use of hypertension medications, it is not that surprising that natural high blood pressure remedies are becoming a popular solution to a growing problem.

By: Chris A Allan

Many of us want to know if there is a natural treatment for a health condition before we resort to prescription medicine. Chris Allan is a solid advocate of natural health care and treatments and you can find out more high blood pressure remedies as well as ways to stay young and healthy at his blog http://www.keepwellnaturally.com

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications