High Blood Pressure Causes – Why Do You Get High Blood Pressure?

There are many high blood pressure causes but nearly all of them can be remedied. In this article, I’ll break down the causes so you can see how you can cure yourself of what doctors call the “silent killer”.

Narrowing Of The Arteries

The ultimate cause of high blood pressure is a simple biological and physical effect. Basically, your arteries narrow.

When this happens, the pressure inside your arteries goes up. This is much like pressing a hose pipe to get a faster flow of water. Unfortunately the higher pressure means that your arteries take a beating and you can get a lot of long term health problems, the most serious of which are a vastly increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

So when we casually talk about causes, what we really mean is – what causes the arteries to narrow in the first place. Let’s take a look at the common culprits.


I have named this specific cause for a good reason that you will soon shortly see.

If you are African-American then you are more likely to have high blood pressure than a caucasian American, for example. Another high risk group are people from the Indian subcontinent.

Part of the reason is lifestyle. These ethnic groups are likely to eat more animal fats in their diet, particularly saturated fats. For example, ghee is a buttery substance common in Indian cooking. Unfortunately, it is also one of the worst fats that you can consume.

Genetics plays some part in why these groups have a higher risk. But it is a very small part and easily overcome in other ways. Therefore, don’t let it be an excuse to resort to drugs and not try natural methods!


The dominant cause of high blood pressure is lifestyle. What you eat is important and also the exercise that you get. Your stress levels are also important.

But here is an interesting fact – although many people with high blood pressure are overweight and unfit, many others are not. So they may seem healthy on the outside but in reality they are not.

The answer to changing your lifestyle into one that promotes a healthy b.p. of 115/75 is not necessarily to just “lose weight” or “go on a diet”. You need only make some minor changes to your life, including supplements, to get yourself back into the healthy zone.

Are you worried about the silent killer? Do you want to live a long and happy life? Don’t let high blood pressure kill you before your time. Find out about the 100% natural success system for easily lowering your blood pressure here: Blood Pressure Truth.

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