I missed the beginning of the game, basically buying and scouting the rune, and we happened to first blood and get another kill. The game starts recording as I get into the lane. As my last FPVoD was as soulstealer, this is here to showcase against soulstealer, ways to handle and deal with how powerful he can be. There were quite a few early game skirmishes that went my way, which basically ended up winning us the game as I completely wrecked middle. Still, a team that doesn’t press their advantage isn’t really ever going to win, and this sort of shows how you should keep up pressure through pushing. Again there is no sound, I’ve experimented with different settings and have been unable to figure it out. So far I can record in game sound but it makes my mic, in game and in vent play my in game sound about 5x louder than normal so communicating with my team is impossible. If anyone knows a solution, you can comment it.
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