Essential Nutrients to Keep Your Joints Healthy

You are never too young or too old to start taking care of your joints. Your body joints play a great role in various daily activities. The healthier and more flexible your joints are, the more easily you can do all your physical activities.

It’s very important to keep a good posture all the time because bad posture will give excessive stress to certain joints at the neck, back, hips, and knees. Lift your head up as if you were carrying a glass of water on your head. Remember to suck your stomach in, lift your chin and pull your shoulders to your back. A good pair of flat shoes can help you keep a good posture better because high heel shoes give a lot of extra tension to your knees.

Eat salmon, tuna, or other fishes high in Omega 3. Omega 3 is a good kind of fat that has been proven to be effective to reduce joint pain. It increases an anti-inflammation substance called prostaglandin that helps reduce inflammation. If you somehow cannot get Omega 3 from your meals, take Omega 3 supplements every day.

Another supplement that can help relieve joint pain is glucosamine. Glucosamine is a compound of glucose and glutamine amino acid. It can be naturally found in shells of shellfish, bone marrow, and animal bones. It is works effectively in restoring articular cartilage. Glucosamine is commonly taken along with chondroitin and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). The combination of those three substances is recommended to treat joint pain, improve joint flexibility, reduce joint inflammation, and keep your joint in good condition.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are good for your immunity and skin rejuvenation. They also give positive benefits to your joint health. Consuming these vitamins regularly is proven to be effective against cartilage bone degeneration and maintain your overall joint health.

Another good way to keep your joint healthy is by engaging in weight training. Weight training can increase your strength and bone mass. If your bones and muscles are stronger, you can avoid giving excessive stress to the joints when doing demanding physical activities. Stretching is also recommended to keep your joints flexible. Make weight training and stretching a priority in your workout. You can avoid joint paint and improve your overall flexibility.

Your joint has limited strength and capacity to support your physical activities. An overweight person gives more stress to his joint on average than a person with normal body weight. Heavy workload can potentially damage the cartilage bone around your joints.

Stay within the normal weight by following a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly. All the information about diet and exercise are overwhelming. Everybody has their own opinion about what is right and wrong. For more information about diet and exercise, visit best bodybuilding guide.

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