Do You Need Blood Pressure Medicine?

There are millions of people in the United States who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), and often they need to rely on medicine to keep their blood pressure regulated. But it is not always necessary to end up on drugs for the rest of your life, especially if you know how to control your blood pressure through your diet and exercise program, as well as by living a healthy lifestyle. When you know how to control your diet, get enough exercise, and get rid of the stress in your life, you have a much better chance of never knowing the troubles of hypertension, and you will probably never need to take high medicine.

Controlling Hypertension Without Blood Pressure Medicine

Did you know that there are ways that you can control high blood pressure, without having to resort to taking medicine? There are many things that you can do to lower your blood pressure and maintain it at a healthy level. But you do need to have a little bit of willpower, because if you want to treat hypertension without blood pressure medicines, you are going to have to make a few lifestyle changes. The first lifestyle change will be in your diet, especially if you are overweight.

Being overweight is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure, and this is a problem that we can all do something about and not need to take medicines. It is important to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet, and since they go hand in hand, you need to get plenty of exercise too. Some of the foods that you should be adding to your diet, if you are not already eating them, are whole grains, low or non-fat dairy, lean red meat, poultry, fish, and of course, fruits and vegetables.

Here is another diet tip that will help to keep you from being on medication: cut out the salt. Sodium can greatly increase blood pressure. Although we do need to have some sodium in our diets, we really do not need any more than about 1,500 milligrams of sodium daily, or less. It is also not a good idea to eat too many processed foods. Not only are they not all that good for you in the first place, many of these meals are absolutely loaded with sodium and have very little in the way of nutritional benefits.

And remember not to add too much salt to the foods you prepare yourself. There are loads of other spices and seasonings that you can use that taste just as good, if not better and they are a whole lot better for you than sodium. Try using pepper or garlic instead. Believe it or not, garlic tastes even better on a turkey sandwich than salt does, and it is actually excellent for controlling blood pressure, without the need for medication. If you find that taking away salt is just too much of a change, do it gradually. With each meal, try using less and less salt, and in no time at all you will be eating a healthy diet with just the right amount of sodium.

Changing your diet is just one of the things that you can do to treat hypertension without using medicines. Another lifestyle change you may want to try is cutting back on alcoholic beverages, although studies have shown that it is actually quite healthy to have a glass of wine daily. Just remember not to go overboard-one glass is plenty. If you are normally a heavy drinker, it is a good idea to start tapering off, and if necessary, seek out treatment for alcohol addiction. After all, if you truly want to be healthy, you need to take every step possible to make sure that you are doing everything you can for your body.

Another excellent way to avoid hypertension and taking medication is to not smoke. If you are a smoker, now is as good a time as any to give it up, and there are many stop-smoking aids available that it is becoming easier and easier for people to quit the habit forever. Other steps you can take to maintain healthy blood pressure is to do your best to eliminate stress from your life, a major contributor to high blood pressure. Another good idea is to check your blood pressure regularly, which you can do at many pharmacies, or you can even buy your own testing kit to use at home.

Forget Blood Pressure Medicines… Eat Healthy to Avoid Hypertension

The best way to stay healthy, including maintaining healthy blood pressure, is to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet that is loaded with all of the things that everyone should be getting. By this, we mean proper nutrition. We all need to have certain nutrients in our diets, and there are three macronutrients that we need, not only to be healthy, but for our survival. These macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. There are many diets out there that incorporate all of these macronutrients, and one that is recommended by many health organizations, including the American Heart Association, suggests that a healthy diet consist of 55% good carbohydrates, 15% good fats, and 30% proteins.

In order to get the protein we need, many people use protein supplements, which not only provides protein, but also all kinds of other vitamins and nutrients. And getting the proper amount of protein and other nutrients can often lessen the need for blood pressure medicines.

About Protica ResearchFounded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.You can learn more about Protica at – Protica Research –

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