Discover Quality Omega 3 Oils

Omega 3 oils or oils that contain omega-3 fatty acids include fish oil, algae oil and flax seed oil. Of the three the best source of DHA — memory omega 3 — is fish oil. DHA is the fatty acid present in large quantities in the brain.

Researchers have noted low levels of DHA in the bloodstream of individuals suffering from several neurological conditions. Although it is not understood yet exactly why omega 3 oils improve memory, the thought is that DHA helps to repair and nourish brain cells.

Memory Omega 3

The “memory omega 3” DHA is not produced by the body and must be consumed either by eating fish or by taking a dietary supplement containing DHA rich omega 3 oils. The saying that fish is brain food has merit in that fish contain naturally high levels of DHA. Studies of children and DHA levels show a relationship connecting lower levels of DHA in the bloodstream to lower IQ levels as well as slower development.

Omega 3 oils, particularly those containing DHA, have been shown to improve symptoms associated with attention deficit disorder, bi-polar disorder and depression. In studies of depression it was concluded that results were best when both DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids were used. If DHA is the “memory omega 3” then EPA is its assistant in some way. The best omega 3 fatty acid sources contain both DHA and EPA. Fish oil is the best source of these.

Flax seed oil contains one of the other omega 3 oils, called ALA. ALA is important in the body, but must be converted to DHA (the memory omega 3) and EPA for use by the brain. This conversion is said to be inefficient at best and much larger amounts of flax seed oil (about ten times as much) must be consumed for adequate supplementation. Algae oil is rarely heard of and not commonly available, but does contain adequate amounts of DHA omega 3 fatty acids.

Proper selection of omega 3 fish oil is important. Fish oil is the best source of the memory omega 3 DHA, but can contain contaminants like mercury if not properly distilled. Liver oils (Cod liver oil and others) contain higher levels of contaminants than other fish oils, because the liver is responsible for removing poisons like mercury from the bloods stream.

Therefore, you should only purchase omega 3 oils made from fish that are molecularly distilled and pharmaceutical grade. This process ensures all impurities and contaminants are removed, leaving only the beneficial purified fish oil.

Discover the best omega 3 oils that we ourselves take after extensive product comparison. Visit for more info.

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