Dangerously High Blood Pressure

What is considered a dangerously high blood pressure? Is anything above normal considered to be dangerous or harmful? Does the treatment vary depending on how high it is? In this article, I’ll explain exactly the relationship between your reading and what you need to do now.

Normal BP

First of all, we need to recognise that normal blood pressure is around the 115/75 mark. Some people have an alternative definition of 120/80 which is quite similar.


Hypertension of over 180/110 is considered severe. At this level, you could die within months or even weeks if you don’t get to a doctor straight away. It is likely that you already have some level of organ damage. This is what I consider to be dangerously high blood pressure.

You will immediately go onto drugs.


This is less serious but you are still at a vastly increased risk of heart attack and stroke. I highly recommend doing something quickly and seeing your doctor.


Many people with high blood pressure are within this range. Your doctor may try to put you onto drugs but there is no reason why you cannot simply try natural methods first. More and more doctors are now realising that such natural methods are even superior to drugs.


Although this is called “pre-hypertensive”, the fact remains that you could still be at double the risk of heart attack or stroke. Some doctors may even not treat you and just as you to monitor it. Frankly, this is terrible advice and I strongly recommend that if you are in this zone that you should use natural methods to get it back into the healthy range as soon as possible.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications