Nouveau traitement pour l’HTP

10 000 Canadiens souffrent d‚une rare maladie pulmonaire potentiellement mortelle appelée hypertension artérielle pulmonaire, ou HTP. La maladie se manifeste souvent par un essoufflement continu, des douleurs thoraciques, de la fatigue et des étourdissements Un nouveau médicament est maintenant disponible au Canada qui offre aux patients qui souffrent d’hypertension pulmonaire une nouvelle option thérapeutique plus […]


* PLEASE WATCH MY ISOLATED SYSTOLIC HYPERTENSION THAT WAS UPLOADED AFTER THIS ONE–This video talks about the fact that you can’t always trust information that conflicts with established medical literature, even when an MD tells you. The video subject’s relative, an MD, argued with him about what constituted hypertension in the elderly, showing that doctor’s […]

Hypertension In A Nutshell

Blood pressure is expressed as two components, with a larger top number (systolic pressure) and a smaller bottom figure (diastolic pressure). These readings are measured in millimeters of mercury. The systolic pressure reflects the heart’s contraction as blood is forced out of the heart; the diastolic measure reflects the pressure during the heart’s resting stage […]

Roux en Y Gastric Bypass Educational Video.wmv

Start Losing. Start Living. Bariatric surgery can mean more than just losing weight – it can help resolve or improve some of the health conditions associated with obesity, such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), sleep apnea, joint pain, and incontinence. The Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence at Cy-Fair Hospital is here to help. *This […]

The Relationship Between Exercise And Hypertension

Exercise to Lower and Control Hypertension Hypertension, perhaps more commonly known as high blood pressure, is an ever present medical state, where the arterial blood pressure is raised. As one grows older, the risk of acquiring hypertension increases but although medication is available in the vast majority of cases, there is also a drug-free way […]