Vitamins are micro-nutrients. They were discovered by Eijkman (1897) in Indonesia, Java, while studying a disease called beriberi common among natives whose main diet was rice. He noticed that fowl fed on polished rice, developed beri beri, but not when fed on crudely milled rice. In 1911 Funk obtained an alcoholic extract of the outer […]
Posts in the Hypertension And Vitamins category:
Natural Supplements to Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs in one out of every three adults and 30 percent of these people don’t know they have it. This is why it’s called the “silent killer”. It often comes with no symptoms, yet it can lead to heart attack or stroke; two of the top three killers of adults […]
Do Supplements and Vitamins For Women’s Hair Loss Cause More Hair Loss?
Flabby arms, wrinkles and age spots are just a few worries, women also think about there hair thinning or losing it completely. Your hair defines your personal style, so who wants to go bald and lose that? Hair loss has been affecting about 40% of women. A womens self esteem can suffer greatly from this […]
Liquid Vitamins Review
Most of the food element supplements we get come in the form of tablets. Vitamins are essential organic chemicals that have a lot of functions that they perform to maintain the body system in a stable state. This is to say that, if we are not able to acquire them from the food items that […]
Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Supplements That Eliminate Acne
Many supplements exist that will help speed up the success of your acne treatment. It is well known that taking certain vitamins, minerals, or other types of supplements will help to eliminate skin disorders. We are listing some of the most effective ones to use when fighting acne. Vitamins 50,000 IU of water-soluble Vitamin A […]
7 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, aka hypertension, is extremely common in the United States. In fact, raw stats show that over 73.6 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension is known as the “silent killer” because there are no noticeable symptoms and yet is one of the greatest risk factors for both heart attacks and strokes. […]
Memory Vitamins – What to Feed the Brain For Better Memory
You are what you eat. Well, maybe not literally, but what you can eat can either promote good health or deteriorate it. What you eat is filled with vitamins, mineral and other nutrients that are essential to fueling the body and improving its function. For the brain, there are certain foods found in memory vitamins […]
Why Are Vitamins Necessary For Our Health?
Vitamins are organic substances that are necessary for normal health and growth in both animals and humans. If a vitamin is absent from the diet, or we don’t properly absorb it, a specific deficiency disease may develop. Even worse, our entire body may start a decline that, over a period of years, may develop into […]
Hair Loss – Vitamins, Diet and Supplements
The more stressful your life, the more important it is that you are taking vitamins, eating a healthy diet and even taking nutrient supplements that will help you in preventing hair loss. o Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be sure to not take more […]
Vitamins – Nutrition Supplements
Vitamins and nutrition supplements will take your entire life to new heights! Bold statement? Believe me, if you choose the right kind of vitamin supplements and provide yourself with ample hydration to assist your newfound nutrition, no bold statement has been uttered whatsoever. In fact, “new heights” is quite an understatement! High-quality, all-natural, whole-food vitamins […]
Male Libido – Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs to Increase Libido and Sexual Desire
You are what you eat and in terms of sexual health it’s crucial to have the right fuel, especially as you get older. It’s a fact that simple diet changes can boost low libido and here we will look at some essentials that your diet needs to contain, from the point of increasing male libido. […]
Vitamins Can Help You Get Rid of Cellulite
Vitamins, dietary supplements, minerals, essential nutrients and multi vitamins, the list goes on and on, and we are inundated with the marketing campaigns of the big vitamin companies, their TV ads are everywhere, but why? Are they really that good for you or is there just a lot of money in the vitamin business that […]
Vitamins and the Immune System – Discover Natural Ways to Build Immunities
Vitamins and the immune system are connected together in many different ways. The immune system is a complex means of defense within your body. Its goal is to stave off harmful infections, germs, bacteria and viruses. It even attacks your own cells if there is something perceived to be wrong with them. So just how […]