Dr. Berglund discusses what high blood pressure is, what causes it, and natural approaches to treat this health condition Video Rating: 0 / 5
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High Blood Pressure
Silent Stroke Caused by High Blood Pressure
The work of Australian researchers, published in the July 28, 2009 issue of the journal Neurology, offers a somber warning. That those over 60 who have high blood pressure are likely to experience what’s known as a “silent stroke” caused potentially by high blood pressure and not even know it. Despite the name, these types […]
Fight Hypertension With Pomegranates
Introduction If, as most of us, you want to fight hypertension while looking young and attractive, pomegranates are a must in your diet. Pomegranates are highly regarded among Mediterraneans for their many contributions to health and beauty: they are well known for rejuvenating our body parts, while helping prevent an array of chronic diseases such […]
Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure – Safe Ways to Conquer Hypertension
High blood pressure poses lots of serious health problems and you have to realize that you can do something about it. The earlier you correct this, the earlier you will enjoy a healthy, happy and hypertension-free life. If you are looking for natural ways to lower high blood pressure, here are useful things you can […]
Effective Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure
Are you health conscious??? If you have a better idea to reduce high blood pressure, let us know, your views and comments will be appreciated. High blood pressure, commonly known as Hypertension/arterial hypertension is a state of body in which blood pressure in your body is chronically increased. In this techno world, hypertension is the […]
Hypertension – The Silent Killer
It is estimated that about one quarter of Americans (50 million people) have high blood pressure. Of those 50 million people, about one-third of them don’t even know they have it. That’s about 15 million people with undiagnosed (and untreated) hypertension. Many of these 15 million people will find out that they have high blood […]
Reduce Risk of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure With Weight Loss Camp
Getting to the doctor for a regular check up is something that you should do at least once a year. At this annual visit, you may receive a battery of tests including a check to determine whether or not you are dealing with health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Today, more than ever […]
High Blood Pressure – 6 Natural Healing Remedies to Reduce Hypertension
High blood pressure (otherwise known as hypertension) is a chronic problem facing Americans and those all over the world. Our lifestyles are very different from those of our grandparents, or great-grandparents. We are much more sedentary, eat too many calories, eat poor quality food (fast food, pre-packaged products, few fruits and veggies), and we are […]