Hypertension – Pathological Classification and Solutions

Hypertension is a serious cause of illness, mortality and a cost to society. There is good evidence that hypertension is inheritable, although the precise genetic pattern is not known. Many studies have also confirmed a positive correlation between body weight and high blood pressure. Patients who lose weight can reduce their blood pressure. The pathophysiological […]

Hypertension Diet Therapy – Is a Great Way to Treat Or Prevent Hypertension

Large numbers of people today are living with hypertension and many others are at risk for developing it. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can have a great positive impact on both treatment of high blood pressure and on prevention of hypertension. Making a few lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your chance of […]

10 Philippine Herbal Medicines Endorsed by the Department of Health

Herbal medicine is the use of leaves, barks, roots and flowers of plants for the treatment or prevention of ailments or the promotion of good health. Like China, the Philippines is another country long known for using herbal medicines long before its popularity in the west. In recent years, medical researchers, organizations, pharmaceutical companies and […]

Total Cancer cure 1 /17 (miracle Stem Cells)

A new method of cancers treatment even for final stage cancer patient… no hair lost or surgical operation to cut off breast, liver,lung tumors. Stem cells therapy being used to ensure clearance of all cancers cells in the body. Stem Cells also can be apply to treat stroke, alzheirmer patients, effectively cure aging silkness like […]

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure!

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a commonly spread medical condition, usually leading to strokes or heart attacks. People suffering from it know how unpleasant the feeling of not being able to control your BP is. They also are taking lots of dangerous medications to control their BP and slowly damaging their health. […]

Ayurvedic Treatment Saves 3 Time Stroke Patient (Part 4)

Contributed by: (www.india-herbs.com) What is a stroke? A stroke is serious – just like a heart attack. A stroke is sometimes called a “brain attack.” Most often, stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain stops because it is blocked by a clot. The brain cells in the immediate area begin to die because they […]

"Magic Herb" From India Helps Type 2 Diabetics Lose Weight

For thousands of years, a yellowish “magic herb” found in Southern India has been used to suppress hunger and stay lean. Now, Type 2 diabetics are finding that it works well to lose fatty diabetic weight, lower cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Called garcinia cambogia, its dried rind has been known, through the centuries, to […]