MF DOOM- “Beef Rapp” from Expektoration Live Before all the hype about “DOOM-posters,” MF DOOM was regarded as one of hip-hop’s finest live performers, delivering flawless versions of his tongue twisting rhymes while ratcheting up the energy behind his deadpan delivery. Expektoration returns the focus to DOOM’s live abilities, showcasing the artist at his best. Look for Expektoration Live Featuring Big […]

7 Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a medical condition that is affecting millions of Americans today. According to the American Heart Association, about nearly 1/3 of Americans right now are suffering from high blood pressure. The scarier part about that number is that only about 75% of the people in the United States […]

How To Reduce High Blood Pressure And Feel Better At The Same Time

Reducing high blood pressure by making positive lifestyle changes will not only result in better blood pressure readings but will also make you feel a lot better and more energetic. When someone lives a life that is unhealthy, there’ll be little doubt as to why he or she feels unhealthy. This is true whether or […]

5 Top Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Although there are a number of prescription and over the counter medications a doctor can prescribe to someone with high blood pressure, they have in the past seemed to be reluctant to offer natural blood pressure reduction options to patients. This may be partly responsible for the current backlash, with more people seeking to lower […]

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure – Is Insulin Resistance the Culprit?

You may be heading for disaster. Diabetes and high blood pressure are by-products of bad eating habits. About 75% of diabetics have type 2 diabetes, and 50% of them will go on to develop high blood pressure and the implications are far reaching. Symptoms to Watch Out For Other symptoms that may occur before diabetes […]

Does High Cholesterol Cause High Blood Pressure?

For most of us, our first experience with chronic illness is high blood pressure. Hypertension does not respect healthy lifestyles. Even people who maintain normal weight, exercise regularly, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and eat a heart-healthy diet can be and frequently are diagnosed with the condition. In the United States, nine out of ten people […]

Diabetes – The Number One Killer in America

There are currently about 21 million Americans who are suffering from diabetes, and there are another 41 million Americans who don’t even know they have diabetes. That’s roughly 62,000,000 people altogether, but some could argue that there are close to 200 million people in America who have diabetes. From a Biochemical perspective, when you look […]

Natural High Blood Pressure Cure – 5 Facts to Treat Hypertension and Diabetes

What is it that will finally be that inspiration that motivates you? Many wait till New Years to make the change only to find out that a new calendar year can only motivate for a couple weeks. Many wait till that next celebration and hope that after the next lustful binge; they might change. But […]