Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition that increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure and other serious health problems. Therefore, it is very important to find out whether you have it, and if you do, what you need to do to regulate it. There are many ways and possibilities […]
Posts in the High Blood Pressure category:
High Blood Pressure
Lower Hypertension Without Drugs – An Idiot’s Guide to Natural Cures
74 million people are affected by it. 85% of Americans over the age of 60 are affected by it, or will be affected by it in the future. High BP and cardiovascular disease is still the top killer every year in the United States. Over ten times the amount of people that died in the […]
Treating High Blood Pressure Naturally is the Best Alternative to Medication
Treating high blood pressure naturally is a fairly easy process once you understand what is involved. Unlike blood pressure medication, natural treatments focus on curing the condition not just controlling it. To do this, natural treatments focus on changing the lifestyle behaviors that caused the condition in the first place. Bad Diet Good Diet Diet […]
Sarah Palin VP Talk! she wants somebody to tell her what does a VP do
Check this Out! politicsobama.ning.com PoliticsObama is an Internationally Well-Known social network where Obama supporters from all over the world unite to bring about REAL Change in Washington. Yes We Can! Join the movement now! Visit politicsobama.ning.com and get register! Obama/Biden 08 VP? What does a VP do? Well, let’s take a look at Cheney/Bush. Sarah, […]
High Blood Pressure During Exercise
A study from Johns Hopkins shows that people who develop very high blood pressure during exercise are the ones most likely to develop high blood pressure in later years (American Journal of Hypertension, April 2004.) These people have arteries that do not expand as much as normal arteries when blood is pumped to them. When […]
How Big A Problem Is Secondary High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?
High blood pressure is the most diagnosed condition in the Unites States today and it is now estimated that it affects about 72 million Americans, including one out of every three adults. But, while we talk about high blood pressure, or hypertension, did you know that there are actually two different types of high blood […]
Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure – Do They Really Work?
Hypertension is one of those medical conditions for which mainstream medical practitioners prescribe several natural treatments before they suggest resorting to medication. Most people with mild to middling levels witness significant drops in their blood pressure after using natural and non-invasive methods of treatments. These natural remedies for high blood pressure, undoubtedly, work to a […]
Beat heart disease part 7 http://maximizedlivingdrpellow.com/
maximizedlivingdrpellow.com You’ve been lied to about the definition of the word Health and how to beat heart diseases such as cure for heart attacks, high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, pericardial disorders, heart valve disease, and congenital heart disease. Watch and learn as this video describes the true definition of the word […]
Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure
Dealing with high blood pressure is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. We will endeavor to put your mind at ease about this serious subject and find some natural products that you can use to lower your blood pressure. Fortunately for most people, high blood pressure is not difficult to control. The main […]
How to Treat Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Naturally Through Diet and Supplements
In this article I will show you exactly how to relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure, and actually lower your blood pressure, quickly and easily using natural methods. High blood pressure is an increasingly common disorder in the developed world, and is usually caused by atherosclerosis (where the arteries narrow and thicken), arterial tension […]
Hypertension in Seniors
It is just another one of those joys of aging. The risk of developing high blood pressure increases as we get older. The increased risk actually begins in midlife. Men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 are more apt to develop hypertension than younger people. The risk seems to […]
Natural And Herbal Treatments For Reducing Hypertension
Many individuals today who have high blood pressure and no obvious underlying cause. This condition is medically called essential hypertension. This condition is very common today, and according to a British study, it affects 10 to 20 per cent of Great Britain’s adult population. Hypertension is more common in men that in women and occurs […]
How Herbs For Diabetes Help To Reduce Your Blood Sugar
Some herbs for diabetes can effectively improve this common disease together with drug medication. Treating diabetes with natural herbs can be quite complicated because more than one healing aspect are involved. Therefore, you need to take a few types of herbs for diabetes and Ganoderma Lucidum is one of them. Diabetes happens when blood sugar […]