Erectile dysfunction is a condition when you tend to suffer from an acute condition of impotency. This is a sort of a physiological state where you can no more act with sexual flexibility. Thus, you tend to lose essential self confidence and you even feel ashamed of yourself. This is the time you are need […]
Posts in the Health And Fitness category:
Nitric Oxide and the Noni Connection
What is Nitric Oxide? Nitric oxide (NO) has been called the “Molecule of Life”. It’s role in the body is to help maintain, defend, and repair every one of our cells. This is a big job for a molecule that many probably don’t know about. Synthetic chemicals designed to mimic the effects of NO, such […]
Minerals in Our Body
The human body is the most impressive and incredible thing on the planet earth. There are literally millions, if not billions, of functions, needs, and reactions going on at the same time. Mankind will never be able to replicate the beauty and simplicity of the human body. While we all know that we need food, […]
Using Minerals to Stop Constipation
The various minerals and vitamins recommended, to stop constipation, here should be taken individually or as a multi-mineral complex or as a vitamin complex. Avoid a supplement that contains both vitamins and minerals. There is some loss in the effectiveness of individual vitamins and minerals when they are combined in multiform. Use capsules for best […]
Some Little Known Facts About Plant Derived Minerals
The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what is not known is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body. Minerals commonly occur […]
The Story – Where Do Minerals Come From?
Glaciers melt, sending rocks down rivers, rivers grinding rocks into gravel and silt, gravel and silt travels down the river to its basin. During the spring the basin floods info farmland and then recedes. Thus, flooding the farmland with rock and trace minerals. The farmer plants the seed in the soil, the seed germinates creating […]
Nitric Oxide Supplements – Do Not Buy Nitric Oxide Supplements!
There are an immense number of bodybuilding supplements on the market, and unfortunately, most of them are complete junk. Of no exception are nitric oxide supplements, products that have gotten a great deal of hype in the last few years. This article will explain the reasons why you should totally avoid nitric oxide supplements. Learn […]
Nitric Oxide Can Fight Heart Disease
Nitric oxide’s (NO) main function in the body is in controlling blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. It does this by relaxing the smooth muscles in the arteries, allowing for increased blood flow around the body. This in turn increases the efficiency at which nutrients and molecules can travel to sites of importance. This property […]
Nitric Oxide – Are There Side Effects?
Through its main active ingredient, L-Argenine, NO2 supplements help boost blood flow to muscles and other important tissues.?? L-Argenine is a precursor to the compound Nitric Oxide, which not only regulates blood flow, but is also an important message-carrier within the body.? Increasing the amount of L-Argenine in the body, particularly around the muscles, has […]
Understanding Blood Pressure Readings – Easy Reading
Understanding blood pressure readings are not complex as one may think. Those two numbers one hears when visiting a doctor or getting a reading could be easily understood. Blood pressure readings are commonly done with every doctors visit one encounters. There are also portable blood pressure monitors which are commonly found in drug stores. Getting […]
How To Use A Blood Pressure Chart With Blood Pressure Machines
The little blood pressure machines are great. But they don’t usually tell you what the readings mean. A blood pressure chart that you can understand is the only thing that will really tell you whether or not you need to worry over the readings it is giving you. You have to put it all into […]
Best Nitric Oxide Supplement in 2010
So the question is this, what is the absolute best nitric oxide supplement out there for 2010? Well, many people have voted, and there is obviously a clear winner here. I for one can attest to the success of using nitric oxide supplements to increase my lean muscle weight, can you? Let’s find out what […]
How Are Minerals Formed?
HOW ARE MINERALS FORMED? MINERALS are naturally occurring, inorganic solids, with a characteristic chemical composition, having a regular atomic structure throughout. Man-made industrial diamonds are not considered true minerals but, having said that, there are also some Organic Minerals, such as Amber, which purists are reluctant to call minerals, but they satisfy at least three […]