Managing high blood pressure can be very challenging for a newly diagnosed hypertensive. The problem is finding the will power to do it day in, day out, knowing that it will never end. This makes finding the energy to monitor yourself daily is hard and even frustrating. We need to do it despite our negative […]
Posts in the Health And Fitness category:
Factors Affecting Blood Pressure
There are so many reasons as to why you may have a high blood pressure. Contributing factors affecting blood pressure of the average person could be anything from stress through to diet or that of a chosen life style. It could even be a hereditary problem resulting from a long line of previous family members […]
Impotence – Your Erection Relies On Nitric Oxide How To Increase It Naturally
If you have never heard of nitric oxide it is actually critical in getting an erection. Many men who turn to drugs such as Viagra to cure impotence may not need to do so, as there are natural ways to increase nitric oxide. Let’s look at what it does and how you can naturally increase […]
Overcoming High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure leads to health problems, a lower blood pressure equals a healthier life. There are many strategies and medications to lower your blood pressure and make sure it stays low for your body. One of the best defences is to have a diet low in fat and cholesterol. High cholesterol intake, alcohol intake […]
Nitric Oxide Supplements – Can They Help You To Build Muscles Fast?
People from all over the place from body builders, NFL players and other sportsmen and women have found just how effective nitric oxide supplements are. Everyone is talking about them. But why? Do they really work to help you to build muscle fast. They are used to help you to improve muscle by increasing the […]
Nitric Oxide – Gas Form
Nitric oxide (N-O), also known as nitric monoxide, is a chemical compound that composes of one atom of oxygen and nitrogen each. This gas is very important for all mammals, because it acts as a signaling device to other functions of the body. External production of this gas is also an air pollutant because it […]
Green Tea and Blood Pressure – How to Use Green Tea To Lower Your High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Green tea has been shown to greatly lower high blood pressure symptoms. This article will discuss how green tea manages to do this and discuss some of the scientific studies conducted to make this finding. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very common medical ailment suffered by people worldwide. Research has shown that drinking […]
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension – The Silent Killer
High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension is known as the silent killer because most people who have these conditions don’t even know they have it. Most people have no clue. Hypertension usually develops first and if not corrected usually leads to a chronic condition known as high blood pressure. These conditions are normally diagnosed by […]
Nitric Oxide – A Miracle Drug?
The time now is one in the morning. An unconscious man has been discovered lying on the road. Upon inspection, mechanism of injury determined to be hit-and-run accident. Victim has multiple wounds on his head, and suffers from massive bleeding. He is immediately transported to the nearest hospital, and blood transfusion is given. However, even […]
Best Nitric Oxide Supplement For Your Bodybuilding Needs
Are you a bodybuilder looking for the best nitric oxide ( also known as NO) supplement? Whatever your level of training and whether you compete or not, you must have come across NO. For those new to this supplement, Nitric Oxide for an athlete or bodybuilder provides an increase in blood flow and therefore nutrients […]
Nitric Oxide Supplements
Currently there is plenty of scientific information now available which is able to substantiate some of the claims with regard to just how efficient such products as Niox which contains nitric oxide are. Certainly over the years supplements which contain nitric oxide have been gaining in favour with bodybuilders as it helps to increase the […]
Harder Erections – If You Want a Hard Erection Boost Nitric Oxide Levels Naturally!
If you want harder erections, you need to make sure that you secrete high levels of nitric oxide which is the key to any erection being able to take place. In this article, we will look at what nitric oxide does and how you can boost levels safely and naturally. Nitric oxide is the chemical […]
Common High Blood Pressure Medications – Know These 8 Types
There are eight common medications used to treat high blood pressure. While many people dealing with hypertension will possibly be prescribed a combination of a variety of these medications, the amount of medication needed depends greatly on the type and the level of severity of the illness. While antihypertensive medicines are used to lower blood […]