Force Factor Nitric Oxide works with the body’s natural processes to help it work better during exercises. This is what makes it different when compared to chemical enhancers such as caffeine. The properties of this product are natural and so they allow the body to work naturally, giving it energy and allowing more nitric oxide […]
Posts in the Health And Fitness category:
High Blood Pressure – A Significant Calculating Index of Your Typical Well Being
One confusing term which is very important and fundamental to a person’s life is blood pressure. It’s necessary to comprehend the straightforward meaning associated with the term to get a greater expertise in its vital effects in people’s every day life. One’s heart pumps blood directly into the human body via different vessels like the […]
Brief Notes on Minerals
Minerals are considered necessary to the nutrition and function of the human body. They are iron, calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Collectively they make up 4% to 5% of the body weight. There is enough lime (calcium) in an adult to whitewash a good size basement; enough […]
Common Blood Pressure Medications For Stage 1 Hypertension
The National High Blood Pressure Education Program is an association that consist of professional, public, voluntary and federal agencies. This association has established guidelines with regards with the type of common blood pressure medication to be used to control your high blood pressure. There a huge number of drugs available that are used as common […]
Nitric Oxide – Burn Fat, Lose Weight, and Build Toned Muscles Fast
I’ve tried many different supplements to help me burn fat, lose weight, and build toned muscles, but nitric oxide would have to be my favorite one so far. Now, I would recommend this supplement ONLY if you already have an exercise routine or schedule that you are able to stick to. As with all supplements, […]
Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects and Alternative Treatments
High Blood Pressure is not something to be taken lightly. But neither should lack of knowledge. Educating yourself on what works and what doesn’t and why – can help you make better decisions for your health. Medication is the first choice of treatment when it comes to hypertension but is all medication good for you? […]
Nitric Oxide – Does it Work For Building Muscle?
What is it about the psychological effects of a ‘muscle pump’ that tends to send our neural synapse activity from the purely logical sides of our brains to the emotional? Is it that we think we’ve finally achieved that elusive ‘mind/muscle connection?’ Are we inherently emotional when it comes to our bodies? Do most muscle […]
Do Nitric Oxide Supplements Really Work?
Nitric oxide is a gas which is naturally produced in the body and it is greatly known to increase blood flow to the muscles. There are many claims made about nitric-oxide supplements but the three main claims are to increase recovery after the workout or exercise session, increase in muscular output and increase in resistance […]
How Many Vitamins and Minerals Do We Need?
It seems like every couple years there is a new health fad or document from a government health agency which tells us that we are not getting enough vitamins and minerals in our daily diets. The question is how much do we actually need when it comes to additional vitamins and minerals to make sure […]
Vitamins and Minerals – The Role
These important nutrients are essential to good health since they help the body use the energy stored in food. If you eat a balanced, varied diet, vitamin and mineral supplements are probably unnecessary. A surprising number of people take vitamin or mineral supplements each day as a kind of nutritional insurance – usually without understanding […]
Nitric Oxide and Building Your Muscle Fast
Nitric Oxide supplements are probably the most popular supplements on the fitness market today. Walk into any health food store that caters to bodybuilders, and you’ll see names of products such as NO2, Nitrix, NOxplode, SuperPump 250, NOX, TracNO and many others. I’m a strong supporter in nitric oxide products to build muscle and there’s […]
Is Nitric Oxide a Fat Burner?
Many people, including me, have been talking about the benefits of Nitric Oxide in fitness and weight loss. But is it right to say that it will burn fat? Or is it right to say N.O. is a fat burner? It is true in a way, but the real question is… How does Nitric Oxide […]
Rocks, Gemstones and Minerals
The earth has been undergoing tremendous changes for over four and a half billion years to become the planet that we now know. That also applies to the fact that it has also taken that long to form some of the minerals and rocks that it has produced. Even though the earth is in perpetual […]