Health Food Facts : Aloe Vera Juice Health Benefits

Aloe vera juice has many help benefits, including improving circulation, regulating blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, defending against bacteria, healing ulcers and treating psoriasis. Consider taking aloe vera orally withinformation from a professional caterer in this free video on food. Expert: Merrilee Jacobs Contact: Bio: In 2001, Merrilee Jacobs launched a catering business […]

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, and Why You Need to Check Your Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that one in every three Americans with high blood pressure is unaware of their condition. In fact, high blood pressure is such a widespread problem that doctors now have a way to classify patients on the verge of developing it—they’re now considered prehypertensive. Video Rating: 0 / 5

Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs – 3 Simple Strategies

You can lower your blood pressure to normal range and improve your overall health, without taking hypertensive drugs, by modifying your diet in 3 simple ways. The first is to substantially reduce your sodium intake; secondly, eat a diet rich in potassium; and finally, cook with herbs, garlic and onions. 1. Reduce Sodium Intake. Although […]

Food That Kills – Part 1 of 6

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof Herbivore vs. Carnivore – You be the judge ! Explore the consequences of a meat (animal based) diet. Are we really designed to be omnivores OR does a plant based diet suit us best? AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION – Abstract “Dietary Intake of Total, Animal, and Vegetable Protein […]