Insufficient water intake, irregular food habits, ingestion of acidic foods, frequent cases of diabetes and inappropriate pressure on the liver and kidneys due to intake of allopathic medicines takes a toll on these vital organs. As a result of this, millions are aflicted by a variety of kidney disorders. A miraculous treatment through yoga, pranayam […]
Posts in the Blood Pressure category:
Melatonin and High Blood Pressure – Is There a Connection?
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if a simple pill taken at night could relieve blood pressure while you slept? Well, a study in 2004 looked at this very possibility, considering the connection between Melatonin and high blood pressure. Today high blood pressure is a disease, which is found through out the world. However this particular disease […]
Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects – And How To Avoid Them
Blood pressure medication side effects are one of the main reasons that people find it difficult to keep their BP numbers under good control. The tablets or capsules they get from their doctors are effective – no doubt about that, but the adverse effects or adverse symptoms that arise are sometimes so bad that the […]
Symptoms of Heart Disease Video
Dr. Dahlman’s video explains the symptoms of heart disease which can include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Heart disease symptoms may develop if you smoke, are obese or inactive, have a family member with symptoms of heart disease or have a poor diet. Symptoms of heart disease can be eliminated with a healthier […]
Natural Blood Pressure Cure
Are Suffering From Fluctuating Blood Pressure? High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is the #1 killer of African American. It is known as “The Silent Killer.” Stage 1 hypertension is: 140-159/90-99. Stage 2 hypertension is: 160 and above/100 and above. There are usually no symptoms or signs of hypertension. Over 1/3 of its victims do not even […]
Excretory System
Check us out at Excretory system is a passive biological system that removes excess, unnecessary or dangerous materials from an organism, so as to help maintain homeostasis within the organism and prevent damage to the body. It is responsible for the elimination of the waste products of metabolism as well as other liquid and […]
Tai Chi 42 Forms Part 1 to 4 – Total Demo by Miss Ng Ah Mui
Tai Chi 42 Forms Part 1 to Part 4 – Total Demo. This Tai Chi is the format used in international competitions. Tai Chi: An Exercise in Anti-aging Tai chi, the choreographed meditative exercises that have been a healing art in China for thousands of years, is practiced by over 100 million people worldwide and […]
Foods That Kill – Part 2 of 6 Eating healthy, organic, whole foods is the key to good health and weight loss. Dr. Klaper explains, in very simple terms, how we’re killing ourselves one bite at a time with a meat based diet. No gruesome animal cruelty videos here, just the truth about how meat affects our own health and why a […]
How Much Salt is Too Much?
You’re probably eating more salt than you realize. Video Rating: 5 / 5
Naz – On The Spot Freestyle ( Blood Pressure)
Subscribe To The Channel Twitter @nazartist Video Rating: 5 / 5
Yoga Stretching Exercises: Headstand I (Part 3) — FREE 7-day email course reveals the yoga stretching flexibility secrets of nutrition and practice. FREE YOGA VIDEO Headstand (Sirsasana Pose) Sirsasana, or headstand, looks quite difficult, but is actually a very simple yoga pose that anyone can learn in 1-4 weeks. Inverted yoga postures can feel scary or awkward, but once you get […]
Oxytocin the Love Hormone vs Cortisol the Stress Hormone Oxytocin vs Cortisol Humans, have two opposing hormonal responses to stimuli. Threatening stimuli cause an increase of stress hormones called Adrenaline and Cortisol. Comforting or reassuring stimuli cause an increase in oxytocin. The fight or flight response triggered by a sudden threat or a stressful situation is associated with the hormone, Adrenaline. Adrenaline causes […]
OW MY BLOOD PRESSURE – Shroomer Arrested
Kid on shrooms gets arrested, acts like an idiot, wants to go to florida, doesnt like spit, hates planes, do not touch his ass, oh and his blood pressure hurts. Video Rating: 0 / 5