Release Your Engrams And Realize Yourself: Nithyananda Morning Message (28 Oct 2010)

Avatar (incarnation) and enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda began today’s discourse with research by modern day Rishis, researchers, from the University of California (Los Angeles) – UCLA. They are finding that long term; complicated grief activates neurons in remote centres of the brain, possibly giving memories addiction-like properties. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has experienced people who are so […]

Are You In The Right Blood Pressure Range?

High blood pressure is like many health conditions; each person will be able tolerate different ranges of blood pressure levels and they will have differing effects on each persons body. There are some guidelines that can help the medical community apply a standard approach dependent upon the blood pressure range they fit within. This can […]

Blood Pressure Monitors: Which Type Is Best for You?

Possibly the most well-known type of monitor is the traditional sphygmomanometer (blood pressure meter) that is commonly used by health-care professionals. It consists of an arm cuff, a stethoscope and a mercury gauge. It is renowned for giving accurate and repeatable readings. But it is large and cumbersome and not really suited for home use. […]