High Blood Pressure – 12 Dietary and Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Help Lower Yours

High blood pressure is frequently referred to as the silent killer. Many times, individuals fail to realize they have this condition, until it’s too late. But, understand there are lifestyle and dietary changes you can make, to keep you heart-healthy. Here are 12 things you can do to help ensure a healthy cardiac system, and […]

How to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Do you suffer with high blood pressure? Most people diagnosed with high blood pressure are typically given prescription drugs to try reducing the numbers. Sometimes the medications work-but only temporarily. The problem soon resurfaces with greater intensity. Then more drugs? There has to be a better way. Do you presently suffer from high blood pressure […]

First Aid Kits and Tips : Stopping the Bleeding: First Aid for Minor Injuries

How to stop bleeding; get expert tips and advice on performing first aid and emergency medical care in this free instructional video. Expert: Tracey Cullers Bio: Tracey Cullers taught Basic First Aid and CPR through the American Red Cross for 5 years. Filmmaker: David Cornman Video Rating: 4 / 5