Leonardo da Vinci: “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”

Edwin Mullins presents his ideas on this painting, and Leonardo Kenneth Clark, from his “Looking at Pictures”, on “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”: Being used to the iconography of Italian painting, I can see that it is meant to represent the Virgin Mary, her mother, St Anne, and the Infant Christ; but could […]

Dr Whiting on Heart Disease and Oral Chelation

phoenixnutritionals.com (CLICK HERE) In spite of dozens of drugs and numerous surgical procedures, heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized nations. While there are many forms of possible heart disease, the heart attack is the most common and most feared. Heart attacks can also come as a result of […]

Geriatric Physical Therapy Exercises Part 7

vibraboard.info vibraboard.info vibraboard.info 4. Improves breathing: Deep breathing exercises in yoga, called Pranayama, enhances your lung capacity and aims at bringing more oxygen to the blood and brain. These exercises focus the attention on the breath and teach you how to better use your lungs. Like the asanas, pranayama also calms the mind, allowing a […]

Magnesium: A Natural Way To Treat Constipation, Insomnia and Muscle Tension

www.DrAngelaAgrios.com – In this video Dr. Angela Agrios, ND (A California Licensed Naturopathic Doctor) discusses the benefits of taking a magnesium supplement. She explains that Magnesium • Is essential to life • One of the most prevalent minerals in the body • Part of over 300 metabolic pathways in the body • A multivitamin won’t […]

Food For High Blood Pressure Control – Can Changing My Diet Help?

Are there certain foods you can eat which will help control your blood pressure? According to most nutritionists, there most certainly are. In fact, it has been proven diets that are high in fat and sodium lead to high blood pressure. Conversely, a diet that avoids these types of foods and adds certain other types […]

Hatha Yoga for Sadness Relief ~ full class ~37 minutes

Click for DVD – bit.ly .95 for 2 great classes yogayak.com for more free video. Sadness happens to all of us at some point . Whether we are simply a little blue, or dealing with life’s more challenging circumstances sometimes daily life becomes hampered by the emotions we hold in our bodies. Regular practice of […]

Blood Pressure: Treatment for Elderly People

Does age in treating high blood pressure in elderly people make having in this treatment more difficult and is this age group more likely to have side effects from antihypertensive agents than their younger counterparts? In general, people in their 70s and older tolerate all drugs less well than younger people because their kidneys and […]

“Very disturbing findings” in chemical tests of Gulf residents — Bleeding from ears

Part II here: www.youtube.com Oil Spill Health Issues, KLFY, January 27, 2011: www.klfy.com [A] new report just out has revealed some very disturbing findings. … A blood study that was conducted on four males ages 3 to 43 and one female age 38 in December of last year. Subra says the results of those tests […]

Ardyss International is a Blessing to me. See Why

Ardyss was introduced to me by my high school friend Stormy Wellington. During my journey with this extraordinary MLM co.I’ve had my ups and Downs, trial and tribulations throughout the past several months. In April 09 my mother had a Massive Stroke from High blood Pressure. The love of my life and the Rock of […]