How do I lose fat and get lean?
Increase cardio. That’s right, magazines and even bodybuilders say that building muscle is the best way to lose fat.
- Do triathlon training.
- Lift heavy.
- Eat adequate protein.
- Focus on body fat, not weight.
- Be accountable.
- Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.
- Get into a calorie deficit.
Your best bet here is to do much of what’s prescribed above:
- Eat at a calorie deficit.
- Don’t strength train.
- Do cardio.
How can I get ripped without weights?
Calisthenics exercises are bodyweight exercises such as pushups, pull-ups, dips, squats, lunges, and situps.
Perform calisthenic exercises 3 to 5 days a week to increase lean muscle tissue.
Increasing the intensity of your calisthenics workouts can also help burn fat by keeping rest periods between sets short.
What is the best exercise for fat loss?
Physical exercise is a major part of any long term weight loss process. But different workouts provide vastly different results when it comes to burning fat and calories.
What are the best workouts to burn fat and get lean as fast as possible?
The Best Exercises For Burning Belly Fat Burpee.
If you want to lose your gut, you need to work as many muscles as possible.
- Mountain Climber. Think of the mountain climber as a moving plank.
- Kettlebell Swing.
- Medicine Ball Slam.
- Dumbell Overhead Lunge.

How you cut without losing muscle
To lose fat and not muscle, you need two things.
- First, make sure that your diet puts you in a calorie deficit.
- Second, you need to eat enough protein, which plays a key role in the retention of muscle mass.
Without adequate amounts of protein, you’ll end up losing muscle as well as fat.
Get Familiar with Types of Exercises
Basically, exercises fall into 2 categories: cardio workouts and strength workouts. Both of these types of activities are vital for the long term and successful weight loss.
In cardio, I like intensive workouts as they burn the most calories in the least amount of time. A few of these workouts are:
1. Running – This has to be done at various speeds to train the heart and lungs through a range of intensities. Running incorporates the entire body and so is a great way to lose weight.
2. Cycling – As long as it’s done outdoors and not on a stationary bike, cycling can be very intensive and burn a ton of calories. If you make sure to include cycling in a gradient throughout your workouts, you will also work the leg muscles and the buttocks. Cycling also works the triceps as they continually strain by holding the handlebar.
3. Hiking – Not your regular gym kind of workout, but hiking is an excellent workout as it also serves as a strength workout for the legs. Hiking is also a much more fun activity than regular cardio so make sure to do some once in a while.
I believe that these are 3 of the best cardio workouts to lose weight.
Strength workouts
I prefer to do these workouts with weights, but you can easily do them with body weight resistance and still burn a lot of fat.
I won’t go into specific exercises here but I will say that it’s better to work the big muscle groups like the chest, back, shoulders, and legs more than the smaller muscle groups.
This is true for 2 reasons:
1. The smaller muscle groups can’t handle too much strain. They’re small. The bigger ones can and often the smaller muscles act as supporting muscles when you work the big ones so you kill 2 birds with one stone. For instance, the biceps work whenever you work back.
2. Big muscle groups have more potential to grow. This means that they can provide you with more muscle tissue and more muscle tissue means increased calorie burn.
So, the best strength workouts to burn fat and get lean are those that work mainly the big muscle groups and are aimed to increase muscle tissue.
Make sure that your workouts are tailored in such a manner.
What exercise burns fat quickest?
Most research recommends between 150–300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise weekly, or roughly 20–40 minutes of cardio each day (41). Running, walking, cycling and swimming are just a few examples of some cardio exercises that can help burn fat and kick-start weight loss.
What should I eat to gain lean muscle?
Here is a short list of the top foods for gaining lean muscle.
- Eggs. Eggs contain high-quality protein, healthy fats and other important nutrients like B vitamins and choline (1).
- Salmon. Salmon is a great choice for muscle building and overall health.
- Chicken Breast.
- Greek Yogurt.
- Tuna.
- Lean Beef.
- Shrimp.
- Soybeans.

How do I lose fat while maintaining muscle?
Here are a few things to consider when weight loss (fat) is your primary goal while retaining muscle.
- Cardio Before Breakfast.
- Be Aware Of Your Carbohydrates.
- Don’t Get Hungry.
- Do Not Consume Large Amounts Of Fat And Carbs Together.
- Take Your Fish Oil.
- Use Thermogenics Correctly.
- Eat Protein Before Bed.
- Eat Citrus Fruits.