B Vitamins Depression Treatment – Facts about B Vitamins Depression

What are B vitamins? B vitamins can be described as a group of 8 vitamins and are water soluble. They are important in cell metabolism. Each of them is unique and often found in groups in foods. In a supplement form they are called Vitamin B Complex. Individually, they are referred to by name – for example B1, B2, and B3 to mention just a few.

They are a coenzyme that is important in bio-chemical reactions such as those needed for energy that comes from food. B Vitamins are also known by other names. They are listed below.

B1- Thiamine

B2- Riboflavin

B3- Niacin (also Vitamin P or vitamin PP)

B5- Pantothenic Acid

B6- Pyroxidine

B7- Biotin (also Vitamin H)

B9- Folic Acid (also Vitamin M and Vitamin B-c)

B12- Cobalamin

There are benefits to using B vitamins (for) Depression. Together they ward off symptoms of stress, depression, and cardio vascular disease. They also boost metabolism and promote healthy skin and hair. They are known to support cell growth and metabolism including red blood cells, and may also prevent anemia. B vitamins are also water soluble as mentioned and spread throughout the body. B vitamins must be replaced daily because they are excreted through urine.

The B vitamins come from a variety of natural sources. They are found in foods such as potatoes, bananas, lentils, tuna, liver, and turkey. They are also found in molasses and Nutritional Yeast and these are excellent sources. There is Brewer’s Yeast in beer and so beer is a very good source of B vitamins. The alcohol however lessens the ability of the body’s ability to activate vitamins. B vitamins are also put into energy drinks.

Vitamins can also be found in a wide variety of natural supplements. In order to be sure that you are getting the highest quality supplement they should first of all, have had the ingredients’ metabolic paths at the molecular level and the interaction of the ingredients tested. What this means for you, the consumer, is that the supplement is as pure as possible and has the ingredients in it that it says it does. Secondly, they should be of pharmaceutical grade quality.

Depression is treatable, sometimes lasting only a short time or possibly lasting throughout a person’s lifetime. Treatments can be the use of traditional (western) medications. The healthier path may be natural supplements for the reasons described above. It is wise though to still check with your doctor, particularly if you are taking any prescription medications. You and your doctor can decide the best path for your needs.

We have found a pure natural depression supplement that can also help with anxiety and overall general well being. To learn more about the product we use with excellent health results, especially when it comes to improving anxiety and depression, be sure to check out – http://www.depression-product-selection.comJohn Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation

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