www.ayurstate.com When you take Ayurstate capsules, you are costuming the highest concentration possible of 50 natural phytonutrients that exert 250 synergistic activities on your body to decrease the size of your prostate and reduce urethra inflammation by re-establishing healthy estrogen-testosterone balance, inhibiting conversion of testosterone to DHT, preventing protein deposits in prostate ducts, toning your bladder, and enhancing immune system response. It will improve your urine flow, semen production, and ejaculation control in a safe and natural manner with no side effects. Ayurstate re-establishes healthy estrogen-testosterone balance by supplying phytoestrogen compounds that mimic the action of estrogen. There is growing evidence that estrogens play a role in the etiology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). This is based on the fact that BPH occurs when men have elevated estrogen levels and their prostate tissue exhibits increased sensitivity to estrogen. Excess estrogen also reduces testosterone production by saturating testosterone receptors in the hypothalamus. Phytoestrogens compete with natural estrogens for estrogen receptors on cells. By binding to the receptors, phytoestrogens prevent the negative impact of estrogen on your prostate and discourage excessive estrogen production. Ayurstate also inhibits an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestoterone) which binds to receptors in prostate cells and stimulates tissue growth around the …
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