Are Alkaline Minerals the Magic Bullet?

Researcher after researcher is showing that sufficient alkaline minerals in the diet could be one of the most important contributions you can make to your health. Recently, in the last hundred years or so, science has examined a phenomenon in the body called acidosis. This is where the body fluids drop below their optimum healthy pH into a range where illness and disease manifest. How is this possible, you ask? How could we be designed in a way that makes us sick?

Your body forms acidic by-products naturally from your body processes. All of the activities your body engages in to keep everything running smoothly create by-products that are acidic. At some point the body has to get rid of these wastes so you have means of getting them out of the body through breathing, urination, defacation and sweating.

In the good old days before the great modern lifestyle came in with its fast, take-away and convenience foods, our bodies could handle the acidic waste we produced because our lifestyle was less stressful and much more alkaline in the foods we consumed. Now the sheer volume of acidity found in our bodies is too much for us to handle. To neutralize small amounts of acidic by-products we have a natural buffering system that uses alkaline minerals as its base. Through a process of hormonal signaling the buffering system is turned on and the acidity is neutralized, if the amount is sufficiently small.

There is a new catch word, acid-forming foods, that is taking the nutritional community by storm. It consists of such foods as coffee, French fries, soda, pickles, alcohol, white bread, microwave meals, burgers, fried foods, trans-fats and a whole litany of other foods that are naturally acidic and all a tremendous amount of acidic waste to the body, so much so that it creates acidosis.

If you want to see where your body pH is, it is very simple to do. Go to the health food store and ask them for a package of saliva and urine test strips. Tear of a small piece and test your saliva first thing in the morning before you put anything in your mouth by sticking the end of the strip under your tongue until it is moist. Match the color to the chart on the box. Your pH should be between 7.0 and 7.4. Wave a piece of test paper through your urine stream. It should be 6.9. The pH scale is logarithmic. In other words a pH of 6.0 is 10 times more acidic than 7.0. A pH of 5.0 is 100 times more acidic that 7.0, so small changes in your pH can result is big challenges to your health.

Imagine a mild acid, like vinegar sitting on your skin for days on end. After a while, you skin will turn red and get irritated. Left long enough, you will get an inflamed, irritated and sore spot on your skin. The acids in your body are no different. They inflame and irritate your tissues to the point where symptoms start to appear and the next thing you know, you have an illness, condition or disease. Leave it long enough and it becomes chronic.

The solution is literally a mineral solution. Liquid ionic minerals added to your drinking water or added to your food in the form of ground Himalayan salt will begin to buffer the acids in your body. These minerals needs some help, though. They need more greens in your diet and less of some of the foods on the list above.

Along with vegetables, alkaline, ionic minerals will improve your health to the point that you will not recall feeling so well in a long time. Your body will be more alkaline so it will not be so uncomfortable and stressed. A new you will emerge, feeling happy and full of vitality.

Jean Perrins is a former nurse and admitted health nut who writes health articles for a number of on-line and off-line sources. As an avid researcher, she knows how to squeeze every ounce of health in a body. To access more of Jean’s articles, go to

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