How to Control Hypertension Without Medication

Hypertension makes the heart work harder than normal. Because of this, it is very important to try and prevent this condition. Here, we are going to cover a few ways to help you control Hypertension without the use of prescription drugs, or better still, prevent it in the first place.

Exercise more

Exercise is very important in living life to the full, and will make you look much better as well as feel much better about yourself. Over time, it will also lower your blood pressure, so get moving!

Clean up what you eat

Fast food is quick,cheap and convenient. It is also very bad for you, as it will cause you to put on weight and raise your blood pressure. Avoid fast foods, or at least cut back.

Try to avoid salt

Salt is present in lots of foods nowadays, and salt can send your blood pressure through the roof, so it is important for you to cut right back on this.

Go easy on the alcohol

Alcohol is ok in moderation, but anymore and you are asking for trouble.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking really is bad for you, it will contribute towards your hypertension, and can cause all sorts of health problems. Not to mention it stinks!!

Exercise more

Exercise is very important in living life to the full, and will make you look much better as well as feel much better about yourself. Over time, it will also lower your blood pressure, so get moving!

So here we just covered a few ways to help prevent or control hypertension. They are all fairly simple ways to help lower your blood pressure and can bring results fairly quickly. So, what are you waiting for?

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