Tips To Help Lower High Blood Pressure

Many people ask themselves How-Can-I-Lower-High-Blood-Pressure (also known as hypertension). Your doctor can prescribed medication to help treat this ailment, however it will be extremely beneficial to incorporate a lifestyle change by choosing a healthy diet, exercise and relaxation techniques – doing so can reduce hypertension and even eradicate it completely.

Some Tips to lower high blood pressure include:

? Keep salt intake to a minimum. Many processed foods contain high salt levels; these include pizza, canned foods such as soups, even frozen meals. So read food labels so you will know the salt content of the product.

? Increase certain foods such as bananas – which are high in potassium. Studies show that people who eat foods rich in potassium have a significantly lower risk of high blood pressure and related diseases like heart attack and stroke.

? Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

Herbs can also be useful to lower high blood pressure:

? Alfafa (especially sprouted and put on salads) contain several elements which soften hard arteries, thus reducing tension in the arteries which helps to treat hypertension.

? Garlic is also well known for its effectiveness in reducing hypertension.

? Parsley regulates the flow of blood in the vessels and maintains easy circulation.

Laughter Helps Lower High Blood Pressure

Dr Allen who specialises in laughter therapy recommends laughter – “when you laugh you decrease adrenaline and cortisone production” (Adrenaline and cortisone are both hormonal compounds that have an adverse effect on blood pressure). “My prescription is that you should do something silly at least twice a day or as needed” says Dr Allen.

Whilst laughter can help everyone, Dr Allen indicates that people with high blood pressure who are particularly angry, frustrated or unhappy often benefit the most from laughter therapy”, and points how effective this can be.

So follow your doctor’s advice and eat healthily, exercise, take herbs, laugh (a significant fact is that laughter has been noted to affect blood pressure. According to one study, hearty laughter was found to lower high blood pressure) – and your medication will be a thing of the past!

Karmen Jones takes an interest in high blood pressure because family members suffer from this ailment. For further helpful advice please take a look at:

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